Kid Power is offering before and after school care for the 2024-2025 school year. Please go to our link to select the days you would like your child(ren) to attend. Below you may select the day(s) you would like your child(ren) to attend. Once you select your schedule you will lock into this schedule from August 26 - June 3, 2025. You will be billed for the schedule that you select. If you would like to make changes to your schedule, you will have the opportunity to do that in early December and your new schedule will take effect on January 6, 2025. The schedule for the second half of the year will run from January 6 - June 3, 2025. If you do not want to select a set schedule, you may register for the drop in program ONLY. This year, we are only able to offer drop in for the afternoon care program. Capacity and space limitations apply. Registration will close on August 16th.
Billing is done through venmo weekly.
Registration: Registration ahead of time is REQUIRED if you plan to have your child(ren) participate in the Kid Power Before and After School Care Program as a set schedule and as a drop in. If you have a child registered in the After Hour Kid Power Program you will not be billed a registration fee for the Preschool Care Program. Capacity and space limitations apply.
Registration will close on August 16th.
After Care Drop In Procedures: Children that are registered for the drop in only program - a parent must call the school office to notify staff that the child will be participating in after school drop in.
Sick/Vacation Days: Two sick/vacation days (no charge) will be granted to each student per session. (2 days per August 26-December 20, 2025 and 2 days per January 6 - June 3, 2025)
When school is in session the care program will operate during the following hours:
Before school care: 7:00am-8:15am
After school care: 3:10 pm-5:30pm
Program Fee and Cost:
Registration fee per student: $50
Registration fee per household: $75
Morning daily rate: $7 per day
Afternoon daily rate: $18 per day
Drop in rate (afternoon only): $23
At this time Kid Power Care will only operate when school is in session. We will be closed on holidays and/or other days school is not in session.