Chess and the Young Rembrandt Art Programs are underway! Fall sports are in full swing and things feel “normal.” I spoke with the Futura (Spanish) organization and let them know that they need to ramp up the program to make it possible for students to test out of Spanish 1 in high school. Remember that students get out of Spanish what they put into Spanish. While we cannot guarantee that every student will test out, that is our goal.
Thank you to the Home & School for paying for the recent 2nd grade field trip to the Dodge Nature Center. The fee you pay to Home & School covers the cost of class activities and field trips as well as many other things.
We are so appreciative of everyone who supported the Gertens Fall Mum Sale. Thank you Home & School for providing this opportunity!
At the recent Home and School Meeting, several parents shared their concerns for the SAFETY of the children. Unfortunately, some parents are choosing to drop off on Orme (please don’t as we are starting the line sooner) and as parents are directed to turn right from the parking lot, children are running across the street and some have almost been hit. Also, there is NO LEFT TURN from Butler and NO RIGHT TURN from Seminole. Cars should NOT be around the buses.
Please fill the lot from the back for pick up in the afternoons. If we can leave the area around the cones clear, it will provide a safer crossing area for the children. If we all do our part and follow the directions, we will avoid a tragic accident. Thank you from the concerned parents & school!
Students will begin the MAP testing next week. Please be certain that your child has a water bottle, a healthy breakfast and snack and that they had a good night's sleep. Please refrain from scheduling appointments during the testing period if at all possible. Please see the schedule here.
School pictures are scheduled for Monday, September 26. This will be an out-of-uniform day. parent volunteers to help line Please click here order your pictures online. Our picture day ID is EVT26NGQ7.
If you are going to be replacing a PC laptop in the near future, we would like to have you consider donating your old one to St. Joe’s for the Makerspace. We have a 3D printer that needs a PC to operate. We only need one, and are grateful for your consideration.
All non-emergency communications will come electronically through this Parent Letter. Parent letters will only be sent out by email every Friday (or the last day of the school week.) Friday Letters may be found on the school website, Our Attendance Hotline is 651-457-3031. If your child is going to be absent or late due to a morning appointment, please leave a message on the “Hotline”.
When parents volunteer at the lunch/recess period, we are able to have one of the teachers on duty be released from duty. You are welcome to volunteer for any of the lunch or recess periods.
If you are a new volunteer and have never completed your Virtus Training, please click here and follow the instructions. If you are an existing volunteer and need to update your account (updates are required every 3 years), please click here for instructions.
Some existing accounts have been placed in an inactive mode if you have not volunteered recently. If that has happened and you are interested in becoming reactivated, or if you have any questions, please contact Lisa Wrobel
St. Joseph’s Church Revive Nights
A night for all families and youth of the parish and school to come learn more about who Jesus is, how we can follow Him more closely, and encounter Jesus together through a time of Eucharistic adoration. Please click here for dates and more information.
MINTED (online marketplace for art, stationary and gifts)
If you use Minted please consider using our code: FUNDRAISESTJOSEPHSSCH to get 20% off all Minted items, excluding fine art prints. 15% of the net sales from each purchase will be donated back to the school at the end of the year.