A Message from Principal Rickbeil
In this week’s video, Mr. Rickbeil talks about the important role of athletics within our Saint Joseph’s School program. Thank you for a wonderful Catholic Schools Week, and have a great weekend!
Catholic Schools Week & Carnival THANK YOU!
Thank you to our Home & School Association, to the MANY volunteers, teachers, Handmaids, and our middle school students for helping to make the amazing St. Joe’s Carnival Tradition possible. It was another great success with fun had by ALL!
Pancake Breakfast is this Sunday, February 2nd
Our 8th grade Pancake breakfast takes place this Sunday after all Masses. Please come for a great meal for a great cause, all all proceeds of the breakfast will support our 8th grade pilgrimage to the Walk to Mary near Green Bay, Wisconsin this May.
Middle School House Program Recently Featured in The Catholic Spirit
The Catholic Spirit recently ran a story on house programs in Catholic schools across the Archdiocese, including our program. Several of our students are quoted, as well as Mr. Rickbeil and Ms. Carlson. The article summarizes the vision of our program, including the formation and fun that our middle school students experience in our middle school. A link to the article is available here.
The Sacraments at Saint Joseph
Father Luke and the Faith Formation Staff recently released a brochure called The Sacraments at Saint Joseph, and it is designed to help people understand our approach to sacramental preparation. It includes information about who can receive the various sacraments, what preparation looks like, how to begin the preparation process, and where to go with your questions. Our hope is that it will be useful to people who are interested in receiving the sacraments themselves or in helping their child or loved one receive the sacraments.
We especially encourage parents of school-age children to read this document, as it lays out our approach to First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation – three milestones of our young people’s lives that might look a little different than they did five years ago. The electronic version of The Sacraments at Saint Joseph is available here. Hard copies will be available in the parish office, the school office, and the gathering space.
8th Grade Canoe Build Begins on Monday!
Starting on Monday morning, our 8th graders will be hard at work building a canoe, as two teachers from Urban Wilderness will be at our school to teach our students how to build the canoe. The project will take place in the 3rd floor STEM room, and our students will take daily shifts of about 90 minutes to complete the build. We look forward to watching their progress over the next two weeks!
No School February 13, 14, 17- Conferences Prek-8 / Professional Development / President’s Day
Parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, February 13 from 10am-6pm. There is no school on this day. These conferences are by appointment only for all Prek-8 teachers. Teachers and parents are encouraged to request conferences to discuss any updates or concerns. Please watch for an email from your child’s teacher or a sign up genius from the school office early next week.
There is no school on Friday, February 14th for Professional Development. There is no school on Monday, February 17th in observance of President’s Day.
Father Daughter Dance - Saturday, February 8th
The Father Daughter Dance will be the evening of Saturday, February 8th. Please click here to register. This is a very fun and memorable event hosted by our parish and school. This is also a very busy event and last year we hit capacity, so it is very important to get registered. Please consider the volunteer opportunities for the event. Volunteers are needed to help with setting up the day of, serving and cleaning during the dance and cleaning up after, any amount of time you can give is greatly appreciated!
St. Joseph's Catholic School Gala: March 1, 2025
We hope you can join us for the 2025 St. Joseph’s Catholic School Gala—a special event to celebrate and support our school community. This year's event promises to be a joyous, fun-filled evening that you won't want to miss. There are a number of ways you can be a part of this special event - read on to learn more!
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Location: Viking Omni Hotel, Eagan
Time: 5:30 – 9:00 pm Spirit of St. Joseph Honoree: Fr. Nate Wills, C.S.C, Ph.D., STJ '91
TICKETS: Early Bird Discount Extended through Jan. 31, 2025!
Individual Tickets
Early Bird Price: $95
Regular Price: $110
Tables of 10
Early Bird Price: $950
Regular Price: $1,100
Interested in attending, but not sure who to sit with? No need to worry! Our Gala coordinators will make sure to place you with families from your child's grade.
To purchase your tickets, please click here.
Interested in donating a basket or event tickets for the Silent Auction? Please click here for a list of suggested items and to sign-up! Interested in donating something not on the sign-up? Please click here! Sponsorship opportunities are also available! Please click here for more information.
Volunteering at Gala is a wonderful way to support the event, while also getting a behind-the-scenes peek at all that goes into this special event. Please click here to learn more about available opportunities!
National School Counseling Week
Next week, February 3rd-7th, is National School Counseling Week. Our school counselor Jillian Sirany has provided some information on how to connect with her as well as other helpful resources. Please click here.
Planning Ahead for the 2025-26 School Year
Attached here is a preview of the 2025-26 school year calendar, listing all days where we are off school. The NCEA conference will be coming to Minneapolis in April of 2026, so schools across the Archdiocese will be closed the week following Easter as this annual convention for Catholic school teachers returns to Minneapolis for the first time in 16 years. Additionally, we will have a Spring break a week earlier than normal to allow our teachers to enjoy some time away as well.
Home & School Association
Our Home & School Association works hard to help us coordinate volunteers. Below you will find 2 SUG to help coordinate volunteers for recess helpers and lunchroom helpers! Thank you all so much for coordinating this for our school!
Yearbook Sales Now Open
Presales are now open for the St. Joseph’s School Yearbook Order Your Yearbook Today! - St. Joseph's School.
Middle School Youth Group
Calling all 6th – 8th graders! St. Joseph Middle School Youth Group meets twice a month for ALIVE Nights – at time for games, fellowship, formation, and prayer. Maybe you are wanting even more time with your friends after Alive Nights. If so, stay for Mass at 5:30pm and dinner at 6pm! Learn more about middle school youth group by clicking here!
Event Dates:
Wednesdays at 4pm
February 5 & 19
March 5 & 19
April 2 & 16
May 7 & 21
St. Joseph Church and School is once again hosting monthly Revive Nights for our entire community. Revive is our way of participating in the Eucharistic Revival. It includes adoration, music, prayer, and reflection. Please click here to learn more about REVIVE!
Event Dates:
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
February 26
March 26
April 23
May 28
June 18
The Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus will be hosting a monthly Emmaus event at St. Joseph. It will include a time of recreation, a holy hour (with childcare), and a shared meal and you will still be home by bedtime! Please mark the dates, invite others to come along and join us!
Event Dates:
Sundays from 3:00-6:00pm
February 16
March 16
April 27
May 18
Join us as we learn more about some saints and feast of the church and explore some beers, wines, and cocktails to enjoy in their honor. Our aim is to bring the book Drinking with the Saints to life and to grow in fellowship. Open to adults ages 21 & up. Register by clicking here.
Event Dates:
Friday, February 21 – 6:30pm
Friday, April 25 - 6:30pm
Please click here to view The Church of St. Joseph Website or view the Church Bulletin by clicking here.