Dear St. Joseph’s School Parents,
What a wonderful week at St. Joseph’s School! Thank you to our Teachers and staff as we celebrated them this week. We are grateful for their dedication to our students, families and to St. Joseph’s School.
Muffins with Moms and the Crowning of Mary was celebrated this morning. Thank you to our wonderful Muffin Men for all of your help! Thank you for sharing this special day with us.
CARNIVAL! What a tremendous success! Thank you to the MANY volunteers and donations that made this event possible for our students and school community.. Thank you to Alex Fitzer and Jenny Wilson along with our Home & School Association for your leadership in hosting this amazing event. It was OUTSTANDING!
Happy Mother’s Day!
St. Joseph’s School faculty extends a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of our moms! Enjoy this special day with your family. Mary, Mother of God, pray for all of our mothers!
Preschool Concerts
St. Joseph’s Preschool will be having their end of the year concerts in the Great Room May 18 & 19. We look forward to these wonderful performances!
K- 2 Concert - May 17
Our K - 2 Spring Concert will be held Tuesday, May 17 at 6:30pm at St. Joseph Church. We look forward to our students wearing their “spring dress attire” and sharing their special songs lead by Mrs. Bowe. Our K-2 students will also be performing for our seniors on Friday, May 13th at 2pm in the Great Room.
Art in Bloom - St. Joseph’s School Art Show May 20-22
Mrs. Hilary Lamusga, Art Teacher has been working with our students to create an art show of student work. This beautiful display will be called St. Joseph’s School Art In Bloom. The Art Show will be up for viewing in our Parish Great Room Friday, May 20 after the school mass; Saturday, May 21 after the 5pm mass; Sunday, May 22 after all of the masses. Thank you to Mrs. Lamusga and to our amazing student artist for providing us with this great art show!
Grandparents Celebration and Art Show Viewing - Friday, May 20
Parents, please share - We would like to invite Grandparents to our School Mass on Friday, May 20 at 9:00am. Students are welcome to sit with their grandparents. Grandparents, you are then invited to please stop into the great room to view the lovely student artwork. We look forward to seeing you!
NWEA MAP Assessments
Our second through eighth grade students completed their MAP (Monitoring Academic Progress) assessments this week. Thank you for your support in having your child(ren) do their best work. Our teachers are receiving, reviewing, and discussing their students’ results. MAP testing results for students will go home with final report cards at the end of the year.
Principal Wesely Celebration - Sunday, May 22nd 12-2pm
Please join us for a recognition celebration for Principal Greg Wesely on Sunday, May 22nd following the 11am Mass in the Great Room.
Tuition Agreements
Agreements for the 2022-23 school year will be sent out through TADS over the next week. We are asking that all agreements be finalized by the noted due date, prior to the summer break, as it is critical information for us as we finalize employment agreements and staffing needs for next year.. For any families that have applied for financial assistance, please ensure you have submitted any required documentation.
Staffing Updates for 2022-23
Special thanks to Ginger Vance (Incoming Principal), Patrick Menke (Parish Administrator) and Tom Gagliardi (Advisor) who have been busy behind the scenes meeting with individuals, interviewing and building our staff for the 2022-23 school year. With natural transitions, retirements, additional sections and the hiring of a Middle School Director, there is a lot of activity - but some great response from our efforts. If you know of an outstanding educator, committed to our Catholic mission, who might be interested in St. Joseph’s School, please direct them to the Archdiocesan career postings. As has been the tradition, announcements of changes and additions to staff will be shared closer to the summer break.
Gerten’s Pick up
Thank you for supporting St. Joseph's School with your purchase of Gertens' plants and gift cards! Your items will be available for pick-up on Thursday, May 12 between 1:00-4:00PM in the Church parking lot (on the corner of Seminole Ave. and Orme St.). All plants MUST be picked up on this date.
Please sign-up for your pick-up time here. Pick-up windows are available every 15 minutes from 1:00-4:00PM. The slot you select will be the space you will park in when you arrive to pick up your plants. Your patience and promptness is appreciated.
If you ordered a gift card and are unable to pick it up that day, please contact Christina Mahady to arrange pick-up. If you are picking up plants for someone else, please make a note of that in your sign-up so we can make sure that order is grouped with yours for pick-up.
Please contact Christina Mahady with any questions - thank you!
A Note from The School Nurse
We have rapid covid tests available to our students. If you would like to utilize one, please contact Amy Milosch Please continue to be attentive to your children's health and stay at home when you are sick.
Important Links
2022-2023 Important Dates Calendar
Home & School Association Information
May Lunch Menu
Church of St. Joseph
St. Joseph Church Bulletin
May / June Look Ahead
Greg Wesely (Principal);
Patrick Menke (Advisor);
Lisa Wrobel (School Operations);
Lori Bruce (Interim Dean of Students);
Sandy Knudson (Preschool Coordinator);