A Message from Principal Rickbeil
In this week’s video, Mr. Rickbeil shares why Psalm 23 is one of his favorite chapters in the Bible, even though we should feel insulted about being compared to sheep. The psalm is also a good reminder that God takes care of us and our school. Enjoy!
A New Opportunity for Ms. Wenner
Audrey Wenner has accepted a new position as Assistant Principal at Saint Odilia's School in Shoreview, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year. She will conclude her work here at Saint Joseph's this June.
We are grateful for Audrey's work with the middle school and full-school projects over the past two years. During that time, she has overseen our growing middle school and excellent middle school team, improving our student retention and working with our teachers to bring the house program to our school. She has taken the lead on most elements of our MNSAA self-study this school year, and reviews our academic program in light of the MNSAA standards. She assists on countless tasks in our school, from morning parking lot duty to middle school team meetings and even assembling our school yearbook. Audrey has a servant's heart, and always keeps the best interests of our students as her top priority in her work. We will miss her, but wish her the best in her new opportunity.
We are currently posting a position for assistant principal for the 2024-2025 school year. This person could serve as a middle school director or assist in another area of the school depending on their skills and expertise.
Muffins with Moms Event - Wednesday, May 1
Moms and grandmas are invited with their children and grandchildren to attend a “Muffins with Moms” event. This special event and recognition will be held on Wednesday, May 1 from 7:45-8:15 a.m. in the Great Room. Muffins, coffee, and water will be served before school as we celebrate moms and grandmothers. Please click here to RSVP. We look forward to celebrating and praying with the moms and grandmothers.
Dads, we request your assistance in helping with this special event. We need dads to help between 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. to set up and clean up for the event. Please click here to volunteer!
Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10
Teacher Appreciation week is coming up the week of May 6-10. We are so grateful to our Home & School Association who will help to provide a few special things for our teachers. One of the things they have planned for May 8. On May 8th we will have lunch for our staff and the Home & School Association is looking for lunchroom and recess volunteers on that day so that teachers can enjoy their whole lunch period. If you are able to volunteer please click here! Thank you!
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is overflowing! Please stop in and look for lost items. There are many jackets, uniform sweatshirts, gym bags and more! These items will be organized and put on tables down by the library and cafeteria, so please come and claim your childs things. Items not claimed by April 25th will be donated. Thank you!
First Holy Communion - Congratulations
Congratulations to our second graders that made their First Communion over the past couple of weekends.
St. Joe’s Library News
Thank you to all the volunteers who have come to read to students in grades K-3. The students enjoy all the different stories read to them each week.
I also would like to THANK the 4th grade teachers, Mrs. Collwell and Mrs. Durham, for their cooperation in getting the Library Liaison’s program off the ground this year. The LL’s program has been designed for 4th graders to take some ownership of the library space by helping keep it tidy on Friday afternoons for 10 minutes before dismissal.
Thank you to families and friends who continue to support the STJ Library by donating books. All the previously donated books from past years will be in circulation for next year's start of the school year. There are many great books that students will be excited to check out. I have also been able to remove books if necessary due to damage or content.
The Last week to check out books for students is the week May 13th. All library books need to be returned to the library the week of May 20th during students' class times. Replacement notices will be sent home on Monday the 27th with students who have not returned their books. Please make it a priority to get library books in by the end of the year.
St. Joseph’s School Summer Camp - Registration Closing Soon!
We are excited to open registrations for the Summer Programs at St. Joe's. We have a variety of options for our students throughout the summer. Summer Program Descriptions and Registration can be found on our school website or by
clicking here. All of our summer program options along with After Hour Kid Power Summer Care are offered under the Parent’s Tab on the school website. Read through the offerings and click the link to register for the various opportunities for tutoring, camps, and academic offerings.
School Advisory Council (SAC): New Member Applications - CLOSING APRIL 30
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a group intended to advise and consult with school administration on matters relevant to St. Joseph's Catholic School. SAC is currently accepting applications for new members, with terms to begin at the start of the 2024-25 school year. To apply, please click here.
SAC members are expected to serve for three years and sit on one of the four sub-committees: Finance & Development, Marketing & Enrollment, Policy and Strategic Planning. Relevant experience within one of these categories is preferred, but not required. Both sub-committees and SAC meet once a month and consistent attendance is requested. Applications will be reviewed by the existing SAC Chair, Chris Kroon, along with Principal Rickbeil. Final recommendations to be approved by Fr. Marquard. Those accepted will be notified later this spring. Questions? Please contact us at sac@stjosephwsp.org.
Please note: Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications of those who are either employed by or who have an immediate family member employed by St. Joseph's Catholic Church & School.
School Advisory Council and Home & School Happy Hour: THANK YOU!
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend SAC and Home & School Happy Hour last evening. We hope you found the event informative. We encourage anyone interested in joining or learning more about our parent-led organizations to reach out to us at stjhomeandschool@stjosephwsp.org or sac@stjosephwsp.org. Thank you!
Save the Date! Fundraising Night at Panera Bread: Thursday, May 2
The Home & School Association is pleased to host a fundraising night next Thursday, May 2 from 4-8 PM at the Panera Bread located on Robert Street next to Target. To participate, simply show the flyer that will be sent home and emailed next week at checkout. Ordering ahead online, in the app or using the kiosk in the cafe? Just use code FUND4U. 25% of sales will go back to St. Joe's!
Gerten's Spring Plants Pick-Up: Friday May 10
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Gerten's Spring Plant Fundraiser! This year's fundraiser sold over $10,000 worth of plants and gift cards, a significant portion of which will go directly back to our Home & School Association which provides funding and support for field trips, teacher appreciation initiatives, community spirit events and more!
Plants will be available for pick-up on Friday, May 10 from 1:00-5:00 PM in the Church Parking lot. All orders MUST be picked up on this date. If you ordered plants or gift cards, please watch for more information next week on how to schedule your pick-up time. Thank you for your support!
Volunteers are needed for the Gerten's Plant Pick-Up! Please click here to for more information or to sign up. Thank you!
Important Dates 2024-2025 School Year
Please click here to view the important dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
St. Joseph’s Home and School Association
Recess Helpers Wanted! Click HERE to sign up. Lunchroom Helper Wanted! Click HERE to sign up.
If you are a new volunteer and have never completed your Virtus Training, please click here and follow the instructions. If you are an existing volunteer and need to update your account (updates are required every 3 years), please click here for instructions.
Please click here to view The Church of St. Joseph Website or view the Church Bulletin by clicking here.