A Message from Principal Rickbeil
In this week’s video, Mr. Rickbeil talks about why fundraising events, such as this weekend’s Gala, are always important to operating Catholic schools. He also explains that by their very business model, Catholic schools are reliant on God’s providence and the generosity of our families and donors. Enjoy!
2024 St. Joseph’s Catholic School Gala - Tomorrow Night!
It is finally here, our Annual School Gala! We would like to thank our Event Chair Katie Sullivan, Auction Leads Sophia Paramo & Kelly Schneeman, Print and Publications Christina Mahady, Decorations Colleen Nava and their team of amazing volunteers who have worked so very hard to make this event possible. We look forward to celebrating with all of you tomorrow evening.
If you are unable to attend, there is still time to bid on the silent auction! Please click here!
Used Uniform Sale and Lost and Found - Sunday, April 7 12pm-1:30pm
Our Home & School Association is hosting our Spring Used Uniform Sale on Sunday, April 7th from 12-1:30 pm. The sale will be held in the school gym. Please park in the back parking lot and enter through the gymnasium doors labeled #11, and head up the stairs. Cash, check, and credit card will all be accepted.
Important Dates 2024-2025 School Year
Please click here to view the important dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
St. Joseph’s Middle School Musical - Seussical Jr. April 18-19
St. Joseph’s Middle School proudly presents Seussical the Musical Jr. Thursday and Friday, April 18th and 19th at 1:30pm and 6:30pm.
Tickets available online (https://stjosephwsp.org/seussicaljr2024ticketsales) or at the door prior to the performances.
Adults - $10 Kids - $6
Enter at St. Joseph’s School Gymnasium, Door 11
This whimsical story, where “A person’s a person no matter how small,” will bring a variety of Dr. Seuss’ imaginative characters to life! Come enjoy this delightful and colorful musical adventure!
St. Joseph’s School Art Show - By the Sea - April 18-21
Mrs. Lamusga and our very talented Prek-8 students have been working to put together an amazing Art Show for families to view. Please watch for more details to come. The Art show will be held in our Great Room April 18-21. Mrs. Lamusga is in need of newspaper and brown paper bags (lunch size and regular size) for the art show. Volunteers are needed to help set up and take down our Art Show. Please click here to help!
Penny Wars for the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus - THANK YOU!
WOW! Thank you to all of our students and families for your generosity and support during our Penny Wars competition. We all had a lot of fun and we were overwhelmed by the generosity of our students! In total, we raised over $4062 for the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus. Congratulations to our 3rd grade for being the winners of the penny war competition! Third grade will receive a bonus spirit day next Friday, April 12!
School Advisory Council (SAC): New Member Application
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a group intended to advise and consult with school administration on matters relevant to St. Joseph's Catholic School. SAC is currently accepting applications for new members, with terms to begin at the start of the 2024-25 school year. To apply, please click here.
SAC members are expected to serve for three years and sit on one of the four sub-committees: Finance & Development, Marketing & Enrollment, Policy and Strategic Planning. Relevant experience within one of these categories is preferred, but not required. Both sub-committees and SAC meet once a month and consistent attendance is requested. Applications will be reviewed by the existing SAC Chair, Chris Kroon, along with Principal Rickbeil. Final recommendations to be approved by Fr. Marquard. Those accepted will be notified later this spring. Questions? Please contact us at sac@stjosephwsp.org.
Please note: Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications of those who are either employed by or who have an immediate family member employed by St. Joseph's Catholic Church & School.
Save the Date! School Advisory Council and Home & School Happy Hour - April 25
The School Advisory Council and the Home & School Association will be hosting a Happy Hour at Jameson's Irish Bar on Thursday, April 25 at 6:30 p.m. for anyone interested in applying for SAC or joining H&S for the 2024-25 school year. Please watch for more details.
St. Joseph’s School Summer Camp - Registration Now Open!
We are excited to open registrations for the Summer Programs at St. Joe's. We have a variety of options for our students throughout the summer. Summer Program Descriptions and Registration can be found on our school website or by
clicking here. All of our summer program options along with After Hour Kid Power Summer Care are offered under the Parent’s Tab on the school website. Read through the offerings and click the link to register for the various opportunities for tutoring, camps, and academic offerings.
After Hour Kid Power Summer Care Camp - Registration Closing Sunday, April 7
We are excited to offer the 2nd year of Kid Power summer care. Hours are 7am-5pm during the weeks June 10th - August 5th (closed the week of July 4th). Please click here to register!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Youth Volunteers Needed!
VBS 2024 is going to be a blast and we want you to be included! Please consider being a volunteer youth leader. Open to youth entering grades 6-12 for the 24-25 school year. Please click here to sign up. Questions can be sent to Katy Lasure - katy.lasure@churchofstjoseph.org
Yearbook Preorder - Now Open!
The St. Joseph’s School Yearbook Preorder is now open. Yearbooks are pre- ordered online and will be arriving and distributed to students the last week of school. Please click here to pre- order your yearbook, school ID code is 1075424 . We do recommend pre-ordering your yearbook as we will only have a limited number of yearbooks available for purchase.
St. Joseph’s Home and School Association
Recess Helpers Wanted! Click HERE to sign up. Lunchroom Helper Wanted! Click HERE to sign up.
If you are a new volunteer and have never completed your Virtus Training, please click here and follow the instructions. If you are an existing volunteer and need to update your account (updates are required every 3 years), please click here for instructions.
Please click here to view The Church of St. Joseph Website or view the Church Bulletin by clicking here.