A Message from Principal Rickbeil
Having just returned from Thanksgiving break, in this week’s video Mr. Rickbeil talks about the importance of gratitude and gives advice on how to use gratefulness to frame your end-of-day conversations with your child.
Report Cards will be Available Tomorrow Morning
Frst trimester report cards will be available to parents online through Educate beginning Saurday morning. Please login to your Educate account (this is NOT your TADS account) and view your child’s report card. A parent signature page is going home with each student today. Once you have reviewed your child’s report card, please sign and return the form back to school.
If you have not yet logged into your Educate account, we ask that you do so this week. If you need assistance please contact Lori Bruce lobruce@stjosephwsp.org and she will help you.
Enrollment for 2024-2025
Thank you for entrusting your children to us and being an important member of the St. Joseph’s School community. Enrollment has begun for the 2024-2025 school year. Current school students currently in grades K - 7 will be automatically re-enrolled with the required annual family registration fee applied to family TADS accounts in February. All preschool, incoming kindergarten or transfer students must apply by clicking here for the next school year.
Financial Aid and Aim Higher Scholarship deadline is February 23, 2024. Please note that you are required to apply each year for both financial aid and the Aim Higher Scholarship. Please do not miss these deadlines.
For additional information and/or questions about enrollment for next school year, or if you would like to delay re-enrollment, please contact Lindsay Mayernik, Enrollment Coordinator at limayernik@stjosephwsp.org by January 5th, 2024.
St. Joseph’s School Lego Robotics League - Regional Competition December 3!
Good luck to our Lego Robotics team members and coaches in Sunday’s competition at Woodbury Middle School from 12:15pm-4:15pm. Go Jaguars!
SHINE ON - A Showcase of Catholic School Talent
Catholic Schools Center of Excellence (CSCOE) is hosting their annual SHINE ON Competition for Catholic School students. Please click here to learn more about how your child can participate.
Coffee with the Principal – Friday, December 8th 9:45am
Principal Rickbeil will be hosting an enrollment event in the Greatroom following Mass on Friday, December 8th. If you or someone you know would like to learn more about our Prek-8 school, we would love to share our message. All are welcome! Please click here to register.
Christmas Concerts
December 14th - Christmas Concert (Middle School Students along with Band & Choir)
Grades 6-8 All Middle School Students along with Band and Choir will perform on December 14th at 6:30pm in the Church. Students should arrive at 6:20pm and find their teacher in the church. Teachers are not in the church before 6:20pm.
December 15th – K-2 Senior Citizen Christmas Concert
Grades K-2 will perform on December 15th at 2:00pm in the Great Room for senior citizens of the parish and grandparents who wish to attend.
December 19th – PreK-2 Christmas Concert
Grades PreK-2 will perform on December 19th at 6:30pm in the Church. Students should arrive at 6:20pm and find their teacher in the church. Teachers are not in the church before 6:20pm.
Thank you to our Home & School Association!
Each faculty and staff member were treated to a pizza and beverage before leaving for the Thanksgiving holiday. What a wonderful treat it was for everyone! We are so grateful to Anna Beery in coordination with our Home & School Association for taking such good care of us! We are so Thankful!
St. Joseph’s School Swim Team Registration - Now Open!
St. Joseph’s School Swim Team Registration is now open. Our swim team is open to students in grades K-8. Swim Team practice will be held primarily Friday evenings 6-7pm and Sunday afternoons 1-3pm. The Season will run January-March. Please click here to register. Registration will close on December 20.
The Jaguar Spot: St. Joseph's Spirit Wear Online Store
December Pre-Sale is now accepting orders until Monday, Dec 4th at 8am.
Pre-Sale items will be ready for pick up late Dec or early January, after Christmas Break. We can't guarantee they will arrive before Christmas.
Please be sure to write in the order notes if the order should be sent home with a student (include student name, grade & teacher) or be picked up in the office. You will be notified when your order is ready to be picked up or will be sent home with a student.
There are items available & in stock now and those are not labeled as "Pre-Sale".
If you have any questions, please contact jaguarspiritwear@gmail.com. If you submit an order for something that is in stock now, it will be sent home with a student or held in the office (whichever is noted in the order notes).
The Jaguar Spot is St. Joseph's Spirit Wear Store located next to the Gym and will be open the following dates in December:
Wed, Dec 13th: 2:30-3:20
Mon, Dec 18th: 2:30-3:20
Or Email jaguarspiritwear@gmail.com for an appointment.
Handmaids Donation Drive
Home and School is continuing to collect grocery donations for the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus through December 6. Donations can be dropped off this weekend in the Great Room at the Men's Trivia Night (12/1) or the Women's Advent Brunch (12/2), as well as at school on Tuesday, December 5 and Wednesday, December 6. Please click here to sign up to donate. Thank you to all who have already donated! The Handmaids continue to express their gratitude for this community's care and generosity.
Festive Sweater Day – December 20
Students and staff will have a fun day celebrating by wearing their favorite festive sweater! If your child is not wearing a festive sweater, they should wear their school uniform.
NEW! Crew Carwash Christmas Fundraiser
St. Joe's Home & School is pleased to announce the start of our NEW Crew Carwash Christmas Fundraiser! Throughout the month of December, purchase any e-wash (Basic, Basic Plus, or Ultimate) and 50% of the proceeds will go directly back to our school!
To purchase, click here. You will then be sent a confirmation email with a link to an actual gift certificate which you can then use yourself OR email directly to a gift recipient OR print out and wrap-up to give in person. Car washes make AMAZING Christmas gifts, especially for those hard-to-buy folks on your list. Know other people who love a good car wash? Feel free to share the link with them, too!
Remember: All of the proceeds raised through Home & School fundraisers go directly to funding field trips, community spirit events, teacher appreciation initiatives and MORE! We couldn't do it without your support. Thank you!
FamFare Kitchen: Next pick-up is Dec. 12
Famfare Kitchen, a STJ-family co-owned business, is back this month with a new hot, homemade, family-style meal sure to please your whole crew! Order by Sunday, Dec. 10 for pick-up on Tuesday, Dec. 12. Remember - 15% of all orders will be donated back to the school! Thank you for your support.
On the Menu: Homemade Chicken & Dumplings with Field Greens and Brownie Bites (hot option); Big Ole Taco Salad (Cold option)
Order by: 3:00 pm on Sunday, Dec. 10
Pick up: Tuesday, Dec. 12 in the St. Joe's School parking lot (by the church entrance) between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m.
Order here: https://famfarekitchen.com/raisefunds
Please contact Christina Mahady, Home & School Fundraising Coordinator, with any questions.
Upcoming Parish Events
WOMEN'S ADVENT BRUNCH with Sister Mary Elizabeth https://fb.me/e/1BSWolouIhttps://churchofstjoseph.org/womens-ministry
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is very full. Please stop in and look for lost items and remind your students to go and look for their things. Everything has been organized so it is very easy to find items. We have several uniform items, gym uniforms, winter items etc. in the lost and found. Many items that were labeled were delivered back to the students today. All of the items currently in the lost and found are not labeled. Please help us help your children locate their missing items by labeling them. The lost and found will remain up until we leave for Christmas Break. Any items left at that time will be donated. Thank you to Sophia Paramo and Audrey Wenner for organizing all of our lost and found items!
If you are looking for a great way to label your children's things, please visit campaigns.mabelslabels.com and type in St. Joseph's Catholic School (West St. Paul) into the search bar. Shipping is FREE and 20% of your purchase will go directly back to St. Joe's! So avoid digging through the Lost & Found - get Mabel's Labels today!
St. Joseph’s Home and School Association
Recess Helpers Wanted! Click HERE to sign up. Lunchroom Helper Wanted! Click HERE to sign up.
If you are a new volunteer and have never completed your Virtus Training, please click here and follow the instructions. If you are an existing volunteer and need to update your account (updates are required every 3 years), please click here for instructions.
CDH - Cocoa with Santa
Merrill Arts Center - Madeline’s Christmas (Discount for St. Joe’s)
Please click here to view The Church of St. Joseph Website or view the Church Bulletin by clicking here.