Administrative Team Update
Dear St. Joseph’s School Parents,
No School Monday, January 17, 2022
There is no school for students or staff on Monday, January 17 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The school office will be closed. Students return to school on Tuesday, January 18.
February Calendar Adjustment
As a part of the recent school assessment, it was clear that we needed to consider ways to better care for our faculty and staff that have served our students, families, and school so generously these past two years. Out of this intention, we have decided to adopt the following calendar changes for February:
Principal Hiring Update
Patrick Menke, Tom Gagliardi and Fr. Creagan have been working closely with the Archdiocesan Office for the Mission of Catholic Education (OMCE) in the hiring process of a new principal for the 2022-23 school year. The OMCE has developed a substantive and defined process for schools to follow that are in leadership transition. This includes direction with postings, core competencies, search committee criteria, training, interview procedures, etc. Today, our principal listing went live on the Archdiocesan career postings, and will be further distributed on both a local and national level. The posting includes an attractive full job prospectus. Initial applications are being accepted through February 18, 2022. More details forthcoming.
School Raffle - 2021 Ford Escape AWD $31,940 MSRP!
Our Annual Raffle is in full swing! Our second turn-in was yesterday. We still have a lot of work to do to make this raffle a success. As our primary student-led fundraiser, we are asking each student to sell a minimum of 10 raffle tickets ($200). See information flyer for the turn in days and incentives. If your child needs additional tickets sent home, please email Lisa Wrobel If parents are able to help sell tickets after Mass on weekends, please sign up here; students (in full uniform) that assist their parents at weekend Mass sales will receive an out of uniform pass. Thank you to our benefactor, volunteers and to our families for helping to make this a tremendous success for our school. 100% of all proceeds support the school!
Enrollment for 2022-2023
Thank you for entrusting your children to us and being an important member of the St. Joseph’s School community. Planning is underway for the 2022-2023 school year. Current school families will be automatically re-enrolled with the required annual family registration fee applied to family TADS accounts in February. Any preschool or incoming kindergarten students must apply for the next school year. For additional information and/or questions about enrollment for next school year, or if you would like to delay re-enrollment, please contact Lindsay Mayernik, Enrollment Coordinator at by January 21, 2022.
St. Joseph’s School Preschool Information Night Thursday, January 20 - 6:00pm
We invite you to join us for our Preschool Information Night, Thursday January 22 at 6pm in the Preschool To learn more please contact our school office; 651-457-8550 or email Lindsay Mayernik, Enrollment Coordinator at Additional information may be found on our school website:
Catholic Schools Week January 30 - February 5
We are very excited to celebrate Catholic Schools week at the end of this month. We look forward to celebrating Catholic Education and St. Joseph’s School with special theme dress days and activities. Specific information including theme days, a service project, and special events will be shared with you from the school office.
St. Joseph’s School - Middle School Variety Show March 10-11
We are excited to announce our first ever Middle School Variety Show! Please read more about this opportunity. Thank you Mrs. Bowe for organizing this for our students.
A Note from The School Nurse
The most important practice we can continue is to please keep kids home each day if they are sick. With the new variant, symptoms are much less perceptible. Nurse Milosch is reporting less fevers with positive cases, and more headaches, upset stomachs, fatigue – and more asymptomatic cases. Rapid tests are available for students upon request
The continued outbreak of the omicron variant both locally and nationally is certainly real and is impacting many public and parochial schools, including St. Joseph. Our current positive caseload is 16, effecting the following grades: Pk (3), K (1), 1(1), 2(2), 3(2), 4(3), 5(1), 6(1), 7(2), 8(0), etc. In addition, 2 positive cases are still active within our teaching staff.
Important Links
Home & School January Meeting Minutes
January/February Recess Volunteers
January Lunch Menu
Church of St. Joseph
St. Joseph Church Bulletin
January Look Ahead
Greg Wesely (Principal);
Patrick Menke (Advisor);
Lisa Wrobel (School Operations);
Lori Bruce (Interim Dean of Students);
Sandy Knudson (Preschool Coordinator);