Dear St. Joseph’s School Families,
Happy Easter from St. Joseph’s School!
We hope you and your family had a blessed Easter and are experiencing joy in the Resurrection. Easter is not just one day, it is a whole season lasting for fifty days. The Easter season will last until Pentecost (May 23). During Easter time, we celebrate Jesus again with light. The paschal candle, the giant candle that is lit during this season whenever we celebrate in the church, shows that Jesus lives. His light was not put out with death but shines more brightly now because of his Resurrection. Jesus, light of the world, thank you for loving us!
“Jesus is risen, he is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!”
2021-2022 Tuition Referral Credit
For the 2021-2022 school year, a $250 Referral Credit is available to current school families for each new family they refer who registers to attend our school for next year. Please contact Lisa Wrobel if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance sharing our school story and helping us grow our school enrollment for next year.
Specialist Classes
On Tuesday, April 6, our K-8 students began instruction with their next specialist teacher. The new schedule is;
Grades K-1 Spanish with Professora Tulia Valdes
Grades 2-3 Music with Mrs. Bowe
Grades 4-5 PE with Mr. Reyes
Grades 6-8 Art with Mr. Beaman
Specialist instruction for Music, Art and Spanish continues to be in each grade level classroom and PE continues in the gymnasium and/or outdoors pending the weather.
First Holy Communion - Second Grade
Please keep our second grade students in your prayers as they will receive their First Holy Communion tomorrow at the 10:00am. A special thank you is extended to Mrs. Taplin, Mrs. Fallon, Fr. Creagan, Fr. Wratkowski, the Church of St. Joseph Faith Formation Staff, and the parents of our second graders for preparing our students to receive Jesus in this beautiful sacrament. Our second grade students will be recognized for receiving their first communion at our school Mass on Friday, April 16 at 10:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Confirmation – Eighth Grade
Please keep our eighth grade students in your prayers as they participate in their final preparation to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church by receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. We thank Mr. Butler, Mrs. Bruce, Fr. Wratkowski, the Church of St. Joseph Faith Formation Office, and the parents and sponsors of our eighth grade students for preparing our students to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation. The students will be participating in the following events;
Tuesday, April 13 7:00-8:30pm Church: Confirmation Night of Reflection (Candidate, Parents, Sponsor)
Saturday, April 24 1:30-3:00pm St. Joseph’s Church: Confirmation
Sunday, April 25 11:00am Mass Church: Blessing/Send Forth for our confirmation students
Our eighth grade students will be recognized for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at our school Mass on Thursday, April 29 at 9:00 a.m.
NWEA MAP Assessments
Our second through eighth grade students will be completing the MAP (Monitoring Academic Progress) assessments this Spring. The students will complete their assessments in Reading and Math during the weeks of April 26 and May 3, 2021. Information about the MAP assessments and your child’s progress will be provided to parents upon completion of the assessments.
Travel Guidelines
School families and faculty are to observe the guidelines published by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and take extra precautions while traveling and returning to home and school. While St. Joseph’s School does not have a quarantine requirement for travelers, we do ask families and faculty to monitor potential exposures and possible symptoms as they return to in person learning.
Uniform Policy
According to our uniform policy, students may begin wearing shorts on April 1 (April 6 this year due to Spring Break). Please use good judgment when deciding to wear shorts as we can still get some cold days in April. Remember that belts are to be worn with pants and shorts and socks must be visible above the top of shoes.
COVID Testing
When any member of a household is being tested for COVID-19 due to an exposure, potential exposure, or with COVID symptoms, all family members at home should remain home from school until test results have been received. This simple mitigation greatly decreases any “close contact” exposure that could happen if a positive asymptomatic family member remains at school until those test results are known.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school Nurse Amy Milosch or Lisa Wrobel
A Note from the School Nurse
COVID-19 and seasonal allergies can share similar symptoms. It's important to recognize and assess how students are feeling so you can administer the proper care. If your students are suffering from seasonal allergies, there are many Over the Counter (OTC) treatments to ease symptoms and find relief. If your students do not have a history of seasonal allergies, and are experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms, it is best to have them tested as soon as possible. Please click here to view some differences between seasonal allergies and COVID-19 symptoms.
Important Dates for the 2021-2022 School Year - K- 8
As we are planning and preparing for the 2021-2022 School Year, we would like to share with you some important dates to place in your phone or on your calendar. Additional calendar dates and a full calendar will be shared at a later date.
Monday, August 30: First day of school: Grades 1-6 (Kindergarten Assessments by appointment)
Tuesday, August 31: First day of school: Grades 7 & 8 (Kindergarten Assessments by appointment) Wednesday, September 1: First day of school: Kindergarten
Friday, September 3: No school for students and faculty
Monday, September 6: Labor Day - No school for students and faculty
Monday, March 28 - Friday April 1: Spring Break
Friday, June 3: Last day of school for students (early dismissal)
Important Dates for the 2021-2022 School Year - Preschool
Tuesday, August 31: Preschool Welcome and Orientation – Terrific 3s A.M.
Wednesday, September 1: Preschool Welcome and Orientation – PK4s A.M.
Thursday, September 2: . Preschool Welcome and Orientation PK4/5s P.M.
Friday, September 3: No school for students and faculty
Monday, September 6: Labor Day - No school for students and faculty
Tuesday, September 7: Terrific 3s First Day of School - A.M. & PK 4/5s First Day of School - P.M.
Wednesday, September 8: PK 4s First Day of School - A.M.
Monday, March 28 - Friday April 1: Spring Break
CAA Scholarship Opportunity
John Hajlo was one of the founders of the CAA and became the CAA's first Athletic Director in 1948. Each year, the CAA awards six $500 scholarships, in his name, to current 6th or 7th graders to be used for tuition, at their grade school, for the following academic year. Please click here for the application. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, April 19, 2021. Award winners will be announced in early May. Completed application forms can be emailed to or mailed to: Catholic Athletic Association - 2136 Ford Parkway #239 - St Paul, MN 55116
School Masses - Friday, April 16
Upon returning to school, we will be in the Easter season. Our next school Masses will be on Friday, April 16, in the Church. Masses will be held; 9:00 a.m. for grades 4-8 and 10:00 a.m. for grades K-3.
Our remote learners and school families are invited to continue to watch the Mass live streamed on the Church of St. Joseph website; www.churchofstjoseph.
School Lunch Menus
April Lunch Menu
“St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.”
Thank you for your support
Upon returning from Spring Break and through the end of the school year, please continue to support your child’s efforts with their academics and school responsibilities. The faculty and I look forward to seeing our students use the gifts and talents that God has given them to do their best at school and at home. Thank you again for your continued support of St. Joseph’s School. We are grateful to have the opportunity to partner with you in providing for the faith formation and education of your children St. Joseph, pray for us! Go Jaguars!!
For Your Information
St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
Middle School Youth Group
Middle School Youth Group upcoming opportunities:
April / May Look Ahead: