Greetings from St. Joseph’s School!
Wow, today marks the end of the second trimester. Our school celebrated with a Jaguar Spirit Day! It was so great to see our students and our staff dressed in their Jag swag sporting our school colors. In addition, I strongly believe that we are here at school at this time for in person learning because of the hard work of our school faculty, cooperation of our students following the guidelines and protocols, and the tremendous support of our school parents and families. Thank you! Thank you! Go Jaguars!!
As we continue through the third trimester to the end of the school year, please continue to support your child’s efforts with their academics and school responsibilities. The faculty and I look forward to seeing our students use the gifts and talents that God has given them to do their best at school and at home. We thank you for entrusting your children to us at school as we partner with you to help them grow in faith, knowledge, and virtue.
2021-2022 St. Joseph’s School K-8 Tuition Information
At this time, we would like to announce the tuition and fees for the 2021-2022 school year. Tuition for grades Kindergarten - 8 has been confirmed at $5,550. This reflects a 1.8% cost of living increase. We invite families that may have additional financial need to apply for financial aid. St. Joseph’s School and the Church of St. Joseph are committed to providing an affordable Catholic education for all families.
Consistent with the significant support the school receives from our parish church, a revised schedule of multi-child discounts has been developed for the 2021-2022 (below). To receive this discount, recipients must be registered parishioners at the Church of St. Joseph. Parishioners and non-parishioners alike will continue to qualify for financial aid.
Multi-Child Parishioner Discount
Child 1 - $5,550
Child 2 - $5,350
Child 3 - $4,850
Child 4 - $4,000
Child 5 - Free (100% discount)
2021-2022 St. Joseph’s Preschool Tuition Information
At this time, we would like to also announce Preschool tuition for the 2021-2022 school year. Tuition for our Preschool programs has been confirmed (below). These rates reflect no increase for next school year
“St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.”
St. Joseph’s School - Travel Guidelines
St. Joseph’s School is committed to the health and safety of our students, staff, and families. We understand that travel is a part of many family plans during the school year and more notably as we enter the spring break months. We are asking our school families and staff to please work hard to observe the guidelines published by the Minnesota Department of Health(MDH) and take extra precautions while you are away as well as when you return to home and school.
While St. Joseph’s School does not have a quarantine requirement for travelers, we do ask that you allow for a little extra time to monitor potential exposure and possible symptoms. It is our expectation that we are all doing our part to keep our school running as intended, as an in-person learning environment. Please review our COVID testing requirements below:
If you have ANY member of your household that is being tested for COVID-19 due to an exposure, potential exposure, or with COVID symptoms - please keep ALL family members home from school until those test results have been received. This simple mitigation greatly decreases any “close contact” exposure that could happen if a positive asymptomatic family member remains at school until those test results are known. Thank you for your cooperation and helping to keep our students and faculty in school!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school Nurse Amy Milosch or Lisa Wrobel
Specialist Classes
As we begin Trimester 3, our K-8 students begin instruction with a new specialist teacher. Throughout the remainder of the school year, our students will receive instruction from each specialist teacher - Art, Music, PE, and Spanish - for three weeks. Beginning March 8, the schedule will be;
Specialist instruction for Music, Art and Spanish continues to be in each grade level classroom and PE continues in the gymnasium and/or outdoors pending the weather.
NWEA MAP Testing
St. Joseph’s School second through eighth grade students complete the MAP (Monitoring Academic Progress) during the school year. This year, the assessments will be administered to the students in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Throughout this school year, our teachers are participating in professional development with Gina Keenan, an Instructional Specialist, from Tierney. This professional development is being underwritten by the Catholic School Center of Excellence (CSCOE).
As part of the professional development, first, the teachers reviewed the 2020 Norms and considered the 2019-2020 COVID-19 impact on learning. Following the Fall administration of the MAP assessments, teachers investigated the data to identify weaker strands and standards in mathematics to better target whole class instruction, small group instruction, and individual student interventions.
Most recently, teachers analyzed the Winter MAP results to specifically identify areas of growth in mathematics from Fall to Winter. Teachers reflected on the instructional strategies they’d implemented in the Fall and evaluated the effectiveness of those strategies in order to adjust their instruction to promote student growth in mathematics.
Each grade (2-8) demonstrated growth in the areas of both mathematics and reading from Fall to Winter and the grade level average scores in both subjects were well above the national norm. Additionally, after closely reviewing the strands that were taught in our curriculum in the Fall, data showed that the vast majority (95%) of the second - eighth grade students demonstrated significant growth in the strands/standards that were covered in the Fall.
The Spring MAP Assessments will be administered to our students during the final two weeks of April.
Uniform Dress Code / General Appearance Information
We want to thank our St. Joseph’s School parents for helping your child(ren) come to school each and every day dressed appropriately in their school uniforms and ready to learn. At this time of the school year, we need to remind families that all students are expected to to come to school in compliance with the school’s dress code.
Uniforms should fit properly and be in good repair. Some specific details of our dress code to remember include;
In addition to dress code uniform clothing, students need to come to school well groomed.
Specific details to remember include;
Hats/caps, scarves (even if they are school plaid), pants/sweat pants under skirts or jumpers, or other non-uniform apparel are not to be worn in the school during class.
Donald’s Uniform Store is our preferred uniform supplier. In addition, the school has a variety of gently worn uniform clothing items (shirts, pants, shorts, pullovers) that will be available for purchase at our upcoming uniform sale this spring. Please watch for more information.
We understand that your children continue to not only learn but grow during the school year. Thank you for your continued support of our school’s uniform dress code policy.
Happy _ _ th Birthday Fr. Creagan!!
Fr. Cregan celebrated his birthday on Thursday, March 4. Today at the school Masses, Mr. Wesely and the students celebrated Fr. Creagan’s birthday presenting him with birthday cards from the students and teachers, TWO desserts - cake and ice cream (he always tells the students that on special days he may have two desserts), and a special poster. On the poster were several math exercises; 25+25 = ___ , 48, 49, ____, 10 x 5 =____. Can you guess how old Fr. Creagan is? Happy Birthday Father and many more!
Used Uniform Sale - Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for our Spring used uniform sale on Sunday, March 21, from 12 to 1:30 pm. More details and volunteer opportunities will come in the next week.
In the meantime, do you have any uniforms or Jaguar gear that your children have outgrown? We welcome all donations of gently used uniforms, accessories, and also Spirit Wear! Please bring donations to the school main front entry.
2021-2022 School Enrollment - Help us make our mission happen and grow our school!St. Joseph’s School is the largest ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. The enrollment of new families and students continues at our school for the upcoming school year. Thank you for assisting us in growing our school by sharing information about our school with relatives, alumni classmates, neighbors, and parish families.
If you know someone that is interested in learning more about our school and our programs, please invite them to contact our school office; 651-457-8550, and/or email Lindsay Mayernik, Enrollment Coordinator; Families may also visit our school website to learn more.
St. Joseph, pray for us! Go Jaguars!!
Preschool News
We are moving right along learning the letters and sounds of the alphabet. The children have already learned 18 out of 26 letters! What a terrific accomplishment so far!
A few Preschool favorites are in action this month in our dramatic play areas. We have both the Airport and Construction Zone happening in our two Preschool rooms. If you stop by Ms. Kirsten's room be sure to book a ticket to a warm climate at the Friendly Skies Airport. The team of airport workers are busy being airport workers. If you stop by Ms. Peg's room be sure to wear your protective hardhat and gear as the children are using hammers, saws, nails while building structures and more. There is a lot of building happening in the Preschool Construction Zone. Both classrooms are filled with learning while playing each day. The two classrooms will switch these dramatic play areas in April.
If you are interested in sending your child to St. Joe's Preschool next year, be sure to contact the school office (651-457-8550). WE would love to have you join our Preschool family.
Early Childhood Screening for Preschool Aged Children
Please be sure to make an appointment for Preschool Early Childhood Screening through the school district you reside in. Screening is required now for most schools, instead of highly recommended as in the past. It is suggested the screening be completed at the 3½ age level. Even if your child is past the age recommendation, it is still necessary to make an appointment. Please contact our school office if you need more information 651-457-8550.
School Masses - Friday, March 12
As we continue our prayer during this Lenten season, our next school Masses will be on Friday, March 12 in the Church. Our students and faculty will attend Mass in person following the parish’s established guidelines and protocols to do so safely. Masses will be held; 9:00 a.m. for grades 4-8 and 10:00 a.m. for grades K-3.
Our remote learners and school families are invited to continue to watch the Mass live streamed on the Church of St. Joseph website; www.churchofstjoseph. Our school Masses are not open to families and the public. We thank Fr. Creagan and Fr. Wratkowski for presiding at our school Masses.
March Lunch Menu
Please click here to view the March lunch menu for our school.
For Your Information
St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
First Communion Information and Update
Tuesday, March 9 6:30-7:30pm Church: Parents and First Communicants will gather in the Church for a reflection/discussion on the Eucharist.
No Rehearsal on April 6: Canceled - Please update your calendar.
Saturday, April 10 10:00am First Communion (Church)
8th Grade Confirmation Information
Sunday, March 21 3:30-6:00pm Great Room: Confirmation Interviews by appointment.
Tuesday, April 13 7:00-8:30pm Church: Confirmation Night of Reflection (Candidate, Parents, Sponsor)
Saturday, April 24 1:30-3:00pm St. Joseph’s Church: Confirmation
Sunday, April 25 11:00am Mass Church: Blessing/Send Forth for our confirmation students
Middle School Youth Group
Middle School Youth Group upcoming opportunities:
Seven Sundays of St. Joseph
The Seven Sundays of St. Joseph is a devotion to the patron of the universal Church. On the seven Sundays preceding his feast, March 19, the faithful have traditionally contemplated a series of circum- stances—seven sorrows and seven joys—in St. Joseph’s life so that they might confront the joys and sorrows of their own lives as he did. Please click here to view part 5 of the reflections on the life of our beloved patron, St. Joseph.
March/April Look Ahead: