The first week of the third trimester has been exceptionally busy. A number of special activities took place in our classrooms and school. This included our middle school students performing the musical Annie, Jr. under the direction of Mrs. Beth Bowe, our music teacher. Please continue reading this week’s letter to learn of several special events scheduled for our students, faculty, and families.
Today, you will find report cards for your child (children) in the Friday Folder. Please plan to return the enclosed “Signature Page” to school after reviewing the report cards(s). In addition, please contact your child’s teacher(s) if you have any questions or need additional information about your child’s progress at school. Thank you!
As we continue through the third trimester to the end of the school year, thank you for continuing to support your child’s efforts with their academics and school responsibilities. The faculty and I look forward to seeing your children use the gifts and talents that God has given them to do their best at school and at home. We thank you for entrusting your children to us at school as we partner with you to help them grow in faith and knowledge.
Other Lenten activities for our students and faculty will include daily prayer, Stations of the Cross, Benediction and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying the Rosary, and attending Mass to celebrate the Eucharist. In addition, special service learning activities will take place during these weeks leading up to Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection.
Parents and families are welcome and encouraged to join our students and faculty in our preparation for Easter during the season of Lent. Fr. Wratkowski will lead us in praying the Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 22 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Church. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction will be included with our prayer. You are most welcome to come and pray with us!
Middle School Play – “Annie Jr.” You are invited to attend our Middle School Musical; Annie Jr. We look forward to this wonderful production directed by Mrs. Bowe and performed by our Middle School Students. Please join us this evening at 7:00pm or Saturday at 1:00pm in our school gymnasium. Tickets are available and may be purchases at the door; adults - $ 8.00 and students - $5.00. Best wishes to Mrs. Bowe, her assistants, the cast, and crew of Annie Jr.!
Grade 6 – Biography Fair The 6
th graders will be hosting their annual Biography Fair on Friday, March 22
rd from 1:00-3:00 pm in the parish Great Room. Sixth grade students have been working hard on their biography presentations. All parents are welcome to attend this special event.
Mass and Breakfast On Wednesdays during Lent, St. Joseph’s School families are invited to attend the parish’s morning Mass at 7:30 a.m. The dates are March 20 & April 3, and 10. After Mass, the students (parents may accompany their child/children) will go to the Great Room for supervision prior to school (8:05-8:30 a.m.). For any family interested, a light breakfast will be available for students for a nominal charge ($2.00) payable each morning. Students will be dismissed to their classrooms at 8:30 a.m. to begin their school day. We look forward to praying together with members of the parish at morning Mass.
Donuts with Dads - Feast of St. Joseph Celebration – Tuesday, March 19 – Save the Date The Feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of our parish and school, is Tuesday, March 19. Dads and grandfathers are invited with their children and grandchildren to attend a “Donuts with Dads” celebration on Tuesday, March 19 between 7:45-8:25 a.m. in the Monsignor Foran Great Room. Donuts, coffee, and juice will be served before school as we celebrate dads and grandfathers. Dads and grandfathers are invited to remain for fellowship prior to attending the celebration of Mass at 9:00 a.m. in Church. Please
CLICK HERE to RSVP for this wonderful event! We look for to seeing you!
Volunteers Needed for Donuts with Dads Event St. Joseph School Moms - we need your help to serve donuts and coffee as well as do a little clean-up for our annual Donuts with Dad's event on Tuesday, March 19
th, 7:00am-9:00am. This wonderful event is held in the Parish Great Room. Please
CLICK HERE to Volunteer! Thank you for your help!
School Mass – Tuesday, March 19 Please join us for our school Mass on Tuesday, March 19 at 9:00am in the church. We will be celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of our parish and school. School families, friends, and members of the parish are always invited to pray with our students and faculty.
Catholic Watchmen Night – Tuesday, March 19
All men of the school and parish are invited to an evening of fellowship, spiritual reflection, and a great meal (Irish Beef and Guinness Stew) on the Feast of St. Joseph, Tuesday, March 19 beginning at 6:15 p.m. in the Great room of the Church. Fr. Creagan will speak on “Words of Wisdom from St. Joseph the Silent. Questions? Contact Jeff
Spring Break –Mark your Calendars – No District Transportation or Food Service Friday March 22th St. Joseph’s School will have spring break March 25
th – March 29
th. Students will return to school on Monday, April 1
st. Please be advised due to a difference in calendar, St. Joe’s will be
IN SESSION on Friday March 22
rd. Please note there will be
NO District Transportation or Food Service on this day.
St. Joe's STEM Fair – April 4, 2019 St. Joseph’s School is holding a STEM Fair on Thursday, April 4, 2019. Students participating in the STEM Fair are working hard on their projects. Winners of the St. Joe's STEM Fair will be able to compete in the CSCOE Big Bang STEM Fair on April 6, 2019. Students, family, and friends are invited to visit the Fair. Please watch for details coming soon.
St. Joseph’s School Family Night Thank you to the many families for attending our Chipotle Night on Wednesday! We thank our Home and School Association for organizing this special event! Proceeds from our school family nights go to support special events and activities at our school.
CAA Scholarship Opportunity Each year, the CAA awards six $500 scholarships to current 6th or 7th graders to be awarded at their grade school for the following academic year. The deadline to submit applications is Saturday, April 20, 2019. Award winners will be announced in early May. The link to the application can be found on the CAA website,
Volunteers Needed for Recess Duty We need help for recess duty for the remaining months of school. Whether our students are outside or inside because of the weather, volunteers offer tremendous assistance in providing supervision of students.
Volunteer for March Recess Duty:
CLICK HERE Volunteer for April Recess Duty:
CLICK HERE Volunteer for May/June Recess Duty:
Just a Reminder Please continue to review our Friday Letters, check your child’s Family Folder, our school website, Facebook, Twitter, and the St. Joseph parish bulletin to keep updated on all the exciting happenings at St. Joseph’s School.
For Your Information St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
Upcoming Parish Events Include:
Extreme Faith Camp Extreme Faith Camp is for all youth currently in grades 6-8, July 8-12. This will be held at Camp
Courage in Maple Lake MN. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
SJY Summer Boston Mission Trip All teens currently in grades 8-12 are invited to join us as we travel to Boston Catholic Heart Work Camp July 12-21. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Please click on the link to the bulletin below for additional information and activities at the Church of St. Joseph.
Mission Statement St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ. Thank you for supporting our mission and entrusting your children to our care each day.
Click here to link to the weekly St. Joseph’s Church Bulletin