Well, it has been a very interesting week for schools throughout the area and state. With the recent weather, we can state it is “one for the record books”! I hope that you and your family were able to be safe and stay warm during the week. We were excited to see our students as they returned to school today.
There are many different ways to describe last week’s weather which caused schools to be closed for four days. ISD 197 was very cooperative in notifying us of their decisions to cancel school. Keeping our students, families, and faculty safe during these unusual circumstances is a priority. I have requested the ISD 197 district administration keep me informed of their discussions and decisions regarding rescheduling (making up) any school days missed during this week. I will make decisions regarding making up / rescheduling school days based upon the information provided by the school district.
When describing St. Joseph’s School, many people refer to it as a “family”. You are important members of our school family! Your commitment to provide a Catholic education for your children is shared by the members of this family. The important relationships between the home and the school, parents and faculty, students and teachers, and parish and school are evident in our school family. The support you offer your children and our faculty makes this a very special and blessed school.
As our school plans for the 2019-2020 school year, I want to thank you for continuing to be an important member of the St. Joseph’s School family. The faculty and I thank you for entrusting your children to us each day. It is a privilege to partner with you to provide them with strong faith formation and quality learning experiences. Let’s pray together that, “God’s will be done” for our families and school.
Catholic Schools Week Celebration – rescheduled
Neither snow, nor wind, nor cold, nor school being cancelled will prevent us from celebrating our school and Catholic Schools Week. Our celebrations will be held next week, February 4-8. I invite your children and family to participate in the activities. Our celebration will include special themes days, Mass, and Carnival. Updated information may be found in the Important Links section of this letter. We hope that you are able to join us for the celebration.
Unfortunately, due to scheduling constraints, our Fan Appreciation Week will not be able to be rescheduled. However, plans are being finalized for our Cheer Squad to cheer at games in the near future.
A Message from Archbishop Bernard Hebda, Archdiocese of St. Paul / Minneapolis An article written by Archbishop Bernard Hebda on the value of Catholic Schools is included in the January 24, 2019 edition of the
Catholic Spirit (the Archdiocesan Newspaper). Archbishop Hebda writes; “We are blessed in this archdiocese to have not only a strong tradition of vibrant youth ministry and religious education, but also a deeply rooted commitment to excellent Catholic schools, continuing the work that began when the Sisters of St. Joseph opened the first Catholic school for our local Church in 1851.” The entire article and the Roadmap for Excellence in Catholic Education may be found in that edition of the
Catholic Spirit.
Parent Teacher Conferences Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, February 5 (4:30-7:30 pm) and Thursday, February 7 (4:30-7:30 pm). Conferences will be held in our classrooms. Either the teacher or the parent may request a conference to discuss a student’s progress.
CLICK HERE to schedule your conference.
Mid-trimester Progress Reports for students in grades 4-8 were mailed to families this week. Please schedule a conference with your child’s teacher(s) if you have questions or need additional information about your child’s progress at school.
First Reconciliation Retreat and Sacrament Congratulations to our second grade students who received their First Reconciliation on Saturday, January 26. The students attended a special retreat and received the sacrament with their families. We thank Fr. Creagan, Fr. Wratkowski, Mrs. Fallon, Mrs. Taplin, and our families for preparing the students to receive this special sacrament. Please continue to pray for the students as they prepare to receive Jesus at their First Holy Communion on Saturday, April 27.
Catholic Schools Week Mass and Open House We would like to thank everyone for attending the Catholic Schools Week Mass at the Church of St. Joseph and our Open House in our school. We thank Mrs. Bowe and our middle school choir for providing the music. We thank Mrs. Frost, members of our School Advisory Council, and our school faculty for welcoming the visitors to our school. Thank you for celebrating and supporting our school.
School Carnival – Volunteers and Donations Needed Our annual school Carnival will now be held on Friday, February 8, 2019 from 12:00 noon-3:00 p.m. Our Carnival Committee is looking for several volunteers to help during Carnival. Please
CLICK HEREto volunteer! In addition, the Committee is looking for prizes of all kinds for the General Store and items for the popular Raffle. Prizes may be brought to the school office. Please
CLICK HERE to sign up to donate. Thank you for your assistance and support of the special event for our students.
Kindergarten Information Session – Thank you!
We would like to thank the many families who attended the Kindergarten Information Session this week. The administration, faculty, and staff shared information about our school’s Kindergarten program. The families also toured our Kindergarten classrooms and the Level I Atrium during the evening. Anyone who was not able to attend the information night is invited to call the school office to set up an appointment for a visit and tour of our school.
Registration for the 2019-2020 School Year Current school families with children in grades K-7 have been automatically re-enrolled for next school year. The annual family registration fee ($200/family) will be applied to family TADS accounts in February. Families may visit the
Admissionspage on our website for 2019-2020 school tuition information. For questions about enrollment, contact Christy Frost at 651-789-8315 or
2019-2020 Family Referral Credit We always invite and encourage our families to share information about our school with your families, neighbors, and friends. A $500 Referral Credit is available to current school families for each new family they refer which registers to attend our school for next year. Thank you for your assistance and sharing our school story.
St. Joe's STEM Fair – April 4, 2019 *Please note date change from prior letter.
Calling all scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and inventors! All students in grades 3-8 are invited to participate in St. Joseph’s School first ever STEM Fair. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Winners of the St. Joe's STEM Fair will be able to compete in the CSCOE Big Bang STEM Fair on April 6, 2019. Due to the weather and to allow our students time to complete their projects, the St. Joe's STEM Fair has been rescheduled to Thursday, April 4, 2019. Middle School Science and Engineering Teacher, Miss Schafer, will be in all the classrooms, grades 3-8, to explain all the details to students in the next couple of days. A STEM Fair information packet may be found in the Important Links section of this letter. Please print out the information at home and go over it with your child. If you child is interested in participating in this special academic event, please complete the St. Joseph’s School STEM Fair Registration Form and return. If you have any questions, please email
Volunteers Needed for Recess Duty We need help for recess duty for the remaining months of school. Whether our students are outside or inside because of the weather, volunteers offer tremendous assistance in providing supervision of students. Please look for an email from your grade level rep and consider signing up for recess duty.
Scholastic Book Fair – February 5-10 The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in our Library next week! We need Volunteers to assist with this event. Please
CLICK HEREto sign up!
Students in grades K – 5 will be going to the Library to preview the Book Fair on Tuesday, February 5 with their class. Students will bring home a wish list with items that they are interested in purchasing at the fair. Thursday, February 7 will be their Book Fair purchase day. If you are interested in purchasing items from your students wish list or other items, please send money to school with your student.
Students in Middle School will be attending the Book Fair on Wednesday, February 6. This will be their purchase day. Please send money with your student on Wednesday if they are interested in purchasing any Book Fair items.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be open during Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00pm-8:00pm on Tuesday, February 5 and Thursday, February 7. It will also be open at Church in the Great Room on Saturday, February 9 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm, and Sunday, February 10 - 8:30am - 12:00pm. Please contact the school office if you have any questions about this year’s Book Fair.
Panera Family Fun Night – Wednesday, February 13 School families are invited to the next St. Joseph’s School Family Night at Panera in West St. Paul. This special community event will be on Wednesday, February 13 between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. Come enjoy a delicious meal and great fellowship with school families and friends. Please bring in the Panera flyer or show an electronic version (see attached) for our school to receive a percentage of your purchase.
School Mass – Friday, February 8 Please join us for our school Mass on Friday, February 8 at 9:00am in the church. School families, friends, and members of the parish are always invited to pray with our students and faculty.
Lost and Found Parents are asked to please stop and check the tables with items from our lost and found during Parent Teacher Conferences. The table will be located on the second floor of our building near the school office. There are many items including coats, hats, gloves, shoes, and gym bags. Thank you for checking and claiming any of your items.
Just a Reminder Please continue to review our Friday Letters, check your child’s Family Folder, our school website, Facebook, Twitter, and the St. Joseph parish bulletin to keep updated on all the exciting happenings at St. Joseph’s School.
For Your Information St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
Upcoming Parish events include: Parish Father Daughter Dance - Friday, February 8
The annual Church of St. Joseph Father – Daughter Dance is scheduled for February 8. The dance will be held in the Church’s Great Room from 6:30-9:30-pm. This event is open to all ages. Please watch the parish bulletin for ticket information. If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact Tracy Kracht at 651-457-2709 or
Our Parish Mission: Welcoming the Stranger & The Call to Holiness – February 16
We are all called to holiness. Learning about the universal call to holiness is the first of four parts of our parish mission. Everyone is invited to learn how personal holiness is at the core of welcoming the stranger. Please see the parish website
https://churchofstjoseph.org/ for more information and to register for the mission.
All in God’s Plan:
St. Joseph’s will be hosting an All in God’s Plan Level 1 event for 10-12 years old girls and their mothers or significant adult female on Saturday, March 9, 2019 from 2-4:30pm. Space will be limited. Please see the parish website for registration details.
Mission Statement St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.
Click here to link to the weekly St. Joseph’s Church Bulletin