Dear Parents,
Advent blessings from St. Joseph’s School! I am grateful to our school faculty, students, and families for returning to school after the Thanksgiving break and getting right back into the school routine. Please continue to read this letter for information about the happenings taking place at school during the next several weeks.
On Sunday, November 28, we began the season of Advent and a new liturgical year in the Church. Advent wreaths will be found in each classroom thanks to the Church of St. Joseph Faith Formation Office. The wreath contains four candles, one for each Sunday of Advent. Three of the candles are purple and one candle is rose. The third candle is rose because on the third Sunday of Advent we celebrate the joy of waiting for Christmas. The candles are lit each week, special prayers are said and songs are sung.
Advent is the season of preparing and waiting. We prepare our hearts to remember Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago, and for his coming again in his glorified body. Please consider placing an Advent wreath in your home in preparation for Christmas. O Come, O Come Emmanuel!
Report Cards
Families will be receiving Report Cards for their child(children) for the First Trimester via email on Monday, December 6. Upon receiving and reviewing your child’s report cards and progress, parents need to send an email reply to acknowledge receipt of the report card. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding your child’s academic progress or their learning behaviors.
Middle School St. Joseph Award
Congratulations to our second recipients of the St. Joseph Award! Anna Fitzgerald, grade 6, Owen Welk, grade 7, and Ethan Salas grade 8. This award recognizes Middle School students that are following the example given by St. Joseph of living a faith-filled life and being a hard worker. The award is presented to Middle School students at the mid-trimester and at the end of the trimester.
Middle School Band and Choir Concert - Has been Cancelled
The Middle School Band and Choir Concert scheduled for Thursday, December 9 has been cancelled out of an abundance of caution amid the rise in Covid numbers. Also, unfortunately our students have not been able to practice with Mrs. Bowe over the course of the last few weeks due to illness and interruptions to schedule. Mrs. Bowe, our students, and staff are very disappointed to not be able to have this program. Thank you for your understanding.
Thanksgiving Food Drive - Thank you!
Thank you for the many items that were donated to our Food Drive. We were very thankful to have donated almost 800lbs. of food to our Neighbors in Need. Thank you to our 8th grade students and teachers for coordinating this wonderful service project.
St. Joseph’s School Gala 2021 - Rescheduled for Friday, February 25, 2022
The St. Joseph's Gala is our largest annual fundraising event of the school year. The Gala has been rescheduled for Friday, February 25, 2022. Please start making your plans to attend and participate in this special event. Please consider inviting family and friends to join you.
2022-2023 St. Joseph’s School Kindergarten
Hello from St. Joseph's School! For the last two years, our school has had two of the largest Kindergarten classes in recent memory. We want to make sure that we have a seat for your future kindergartener next year! Please let us know if you have a child who is age eligible for kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year. Please reply even if you are not sure whether your child will start kindergarten next year, or where your child will attend kindergarten. Our school administration is planning for next year!
PLEASE NOTE, this is not an actual application for our kindergarten. We'll let you know as soon as that application is open! This is just for our planning purposes.
Volunteers Needed for Recess Supervision & Home and School Association Information
Our school is looking for assistance with supervising our students during their recess for the remaining months of school. Whether our students are outside or inside because of the weather, volunteers offer tremendous assistance in providing supervision of students. Please click here to volunteer in December.
School Mass - Wednesday, December 8
Our next school Mass will be on Wednesday, December 8 beginning at 9:00 a.m. as we celebrate Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Attendance Communication
Our Attendance Hotline is 651-457-3031. If your child is going to be absent or late due to a morning appointment, please leave a message on the “Hotline”.
Hot Lunch Menu
December Lunch Menu
The Weather is Changing
The winter weather is right around the corner, it is a good time to start sending your children to school with sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets. Once snow falls, (Note; S _ _ _ is predicted during next week!) students will need their winter boots and snow pants to play on the playground and field during recess.
“St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence,
and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.”
For Your Information
St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
December Look Ahead: