12:00 Gathering Tables
12:25 Circle Time/Afternoon Meeting
12:50 Centers/SMART
1:40 Faith Focus
1:55 Bathroom Break/Snack
2:15 Closing Circle
2:30 Large Muscle
3:00 Dismissal
Please keep in mind our daily schedule will be flexible for special activities, indoor recess, or as needed.
Our afternoon drop-off procedure will begin at 11:55am. Families are asked to park their vehicles and bring their child(ren) to the lobby area, take off coats, hang backpacks, and walk to the classrooms. The classroom teacher will be in the room waiting for the arrival of the children.
The doors to the preschool will be locked during program hours. Students will be dismissed to parents in the front of the preschool. Please walk up to preschool to pick up your child. Dismissal is at 3:00pm