8:30 Welcome and Gathering Activities
8:55 Opening Circle Time/Morning Meeting:
9:15 Center Time/SMART
9:55 Faith Focus
10:10 Bathroom Break/Snacktime
10:30 Closing Circle
10:40 Large Muscle
11:00 Dismissal
The daily schedule will be flexible for special activities, indoor recess, or as needed.
The preschool morning arrival procedure will begin at 8:20 am. Families are asked to use our drop off line during morning drop off. If you prefer to walk your child up to the preschool doors, please park in the parking lot at Seminole and Orme.
The doors to the preschool will be locked during program hours. The children will be dismissed from the classroom teacher at an outside location - this might be from the park, a grassy area, or even the main Preschool doors. The children will be all ready to go home with their belongings at the 11:00am dismissal time.