Middle School students will move to many classrooms throughout the day. The following expectations will be followed in each of the classrooms.
Students need to have all materials with them for each of their classes. This includes computers, assignment notebooks, and required pens and pencils.
Homework is an essential component for student success. Homework not only helps to reinforce skills learned in class, but also aids in the development of organizational skills, time-management techniques, and individual responsibility.
Students can expect to have daily homework assignments with Independent Reading and long-term projects needing to be worked on during the weekend. Occasionally, due to schedule changes or days out of school, daily homework may need to be assigned over the weekend.
The ultimate responsibility for completing homework lies with each student. Homework assignments are to be completed on the due date. Printing of homework assignments should be done at home.
Homework not submitted on the due date will be considered late and will result in a 10% deduction for the assignment. Homework not submitted by the end of an instructional unit will not receive credit.
Students with chronic late work will have consequences that may include loss of school privileges (recess, etc.) and involvement of administration.
All late work not completed electroncially will be noted as being late. Late work submitted electronically will automatically be tagged as "Late" and will be noted on Educate. Parents will be notified by email if a student has a late assignment.
Students are responsible for covering and maintaining all textbooks issued to them. Textbooks may only be covered in paper bags, stretchy or adhesive book covers are not allowed. Students with uncovered textbooks will be expected to cover the book.
Cell phones are not allowed during the school day. Cell phones are to be turned off and stowed in backpacks.
Cell phones that are visible or ring during class will be confiscated and sent to the principal's office.
Individuals who are in hallways or other unsupervised areas during class time are required to have a hall pass. Hall passes indicating the student's departure/returning time and destination must be signed by a teacher. Students need a hall pass before going to another classroom.
Gum: Gum chewing is not allowed at anytime during the school day.
Snack: Snacks are not allowed during classes.
Water Bottles: Water bottles are allowed in class and are to be kept in backpack side pockets.
All students are expected to be in compliance with the school's uniform policy. This includes hair, socks, belts, and skirt length. Students that are not in compliance will be notified and are expected to become compliant.
Contact your child's homeroom teacher with questions or concerns about St. Joseph's Middle School General Expectations.