A Message from Principal Rickbeil
On this last day of the school year, Mr. Rickbeil’s weekly video reminds us that every day is a school day, and gives thanks for a great year of learning. Have a wonderful summer break, everyone!
Congratulations St. Joseph’s School Class of 2024
Congratulations to the St. Joseph’s School Class of 2024. We are incredibly proud of you and we wish you well as you move into high school. Thank you parents for your partnership and we are incredibly blessed to have shared these important years of your life. You will always have a home here at St. Joseph’s School.
Fitness Fun Day Thank you!
WOW! What a FUN fitness fun day! Thank you Ellen Kennedy for leading the Ninja Course activity and thank you to Christina Mahady for leading the all school picnic lunch. These wonderful ladies and all of the amazing parent volunteers made this whole day so extra special for our students and staff. We are incredibly grateful!
Kindergarten Circus
We wanted to give a special thank you to Mrs. Bollinger and the Kindergarten teachers and students for an outstanding Circus performance. It was so special and such a great way for our Kindergarten students to end their school year! Bravo!
Summer Reading Challenge
The Summer Reading Challenge for grades K-5 will be going home on May 31st with your child. Mrs. Chamberlain has explained the "Book Bingo" card and log in sheet to all classes. There will be a brief instructional sheet attached. Summer Reading is meant to be FUN. This is an optional program but recommended to keep students active in reading during the break.
FamFare Kitchen: Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's FamFare Kitchen Give Back Nights! As a token of appreciation, FamFare is offering our families $5 off their next order. Simply enter the coupon code STJ5 when you place an order on their website: www.famfarekitchen.com. Thank you and bon appétit!
We are still looking for volunteers to help prep and serve lunch! Please click here to sign up.
Tuition Agreements for 2024-2025
As we are preparing for the next school year, most families returning for the next school year have a tuition agreement that is due. Please take a moment to get that completed so that we are able to move forward with our planning for your child(ren) for the 2024-2025 school year. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you to educate your child(ren).
Home & School Positions Open for 2024-2025
St. Joseph’s Home and School is looking for volunteers to fill open spots for 2024-2025 Home and School. The purpose of Home & School is to support faculty, staff, students and families utilizing three main functions: Volunteers, Fundraising, and Community Spirit. Volunteers are the heart and soul of this school and we are so very grateful for all of your help. Open positions: K Rep, Specialist Rep, and Secretary.
Important Dates 2024-2025 School Year
Please click here to view the important dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
Parish Upcoming Events!
Sunday, June 2 following 11:00am Mass
All children who received their First Eucharist this year are invited to wear their special outfits and process.
Sunday, June 2 following the Corpus Christi Procession
Watch for details. Please contact the Parish Center if you would like to help!
Sunday, September 8 I 12:00 to 3:00pm
Food, music and fun for the whole family! This is our second annual Oktoberfest and we are already planning for a great event again this year.
More information will be forthcoming.
Please click here to view The Church of St. Joseph Website or view the Church Bulletin by clicking here.