A Message from Principal Rickbeil
In this week’s video, Mr. Rickbeil speaks about the goods that come from delayed gratification, and the ways that school puts students in position to experience goods in life that come from waiting for good things.
Food Drive - November 13-17
St. Joseph’s Middle School House Council is sponsoring a canned goods / non perishable food collection to support the work of Neighbors, Inc. Our collection will be Monday, November 13 - Friday, November 17. Please consider helping people in need of food in our area by donating food items during the collection. Thank you for your generosity. Middle School students will be out collecting during morning drop off.
Report Cards and Parent Access to Educate
First trimester report cards will be available to parents online through Educate on Friday, December 1st. If you have not yet logged into your Educate account, we ask that you do so this week. If you need assistance please contact Lori Bruce lobruce@stjosephwsp.org and she will help you.
All School Open House - November 14th at 6pm
We are hosting our All School Open House on November 14th at 6pm. If you have any neighbors or friends that would like to learn more about our school, please ask them to join us!
Coffee with the Principal November 17th at 8:30am and 2:30pm
We invite our preschool parents and new families who are interested in learning more about our school. Please park in the front of our school and enter through the school main entrance, door #6. We will meet in our school conference room and break out for tours. Please feel free to invite friends!
Afternoon Pick Up - Safety Concerns Continue
Each day we have a team of students supervised by a staff member adjusting our cones and opening up the back parking lot for cars to begin parking for after school dismissal. Parents, it is very important that you are mindful of our students' safety. Please do not enter the parking lot until our students have cleared the parking lot and are back to the school doors. Also, please do not take the liberty of opening up the parking lot. That is the job of the school and even if it is a few minutes late opening up, it is still well within a reasonable time for parents to park prior to students being dismissed. Dismissal is at 3:10pm.
Swim Team Registration
St. Joseph’s School Swim Team Registration will be going out next week. Our swim team is open to students in grades K-8. Swim Team practice will be held primarily Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The Season will run January-March. Please watch for more information next week.
Saint Costume Closet
Calling all Saints! Do you have a Saint costume you've outgrown or no longer need? Donate it to the Home & School Saint Costume Closet! With so many grades now dressing up for All Saints Day, we're collecting costumes that can then be made available to students for next year's celebration. Costumes and accessories can be dropped off in the bin marked "Saint Costumes" located next to the Used Uniform bin at the top of the stairs outside the main entrance to the school. The Saint Costume Closet will open in October 2024. Thank you!
Kindergarten Team Looking for Costumes
Our Kindergarten Team is looking for costumes for an upcoming K-Spring Circus! If you have any of the following k-size (or larger we could tailor to fit) that you are willing to donate we would greatly appreciate it. Items we are looking for are - clown suits, or accessories, lion, tiger, elephant costumes, rubber snakes, round wicker baskets, vests, top hats, cowboy hats, long sleeve white dress shirts, leotards for dance/gymnastics outfits and a tightrope. Donations may be dropped off at the school office. Thank you!
School Advisory Council
The St. Joseph's School Advisory Council meets monthly to discuss topics relevant to our school including policy, strategic planning, finance, marketing/enrollment and athletics. We hold space during each meeting for a Parent Forum during which parents who have a concern or interest relevant to SAC are invited to join. If you have a topic you'd like to present to SAC, please contact us at sac@stjosephwsp.org. Our next meeting will be on Nov. 28 at 6:30 p.m.
FamFare Kitchen: Next pick-up is Nov. 14!
Famfare Kitchen, a STJ-family co-owned business, is back this month with a new hot, homemade, family-style meal sure to please your whole crew! Order by Sunday, Nov. 12 for pick-up on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Remember - 15% of all orders will be donated back to the school! Thank you for your support.
On the Menu: Chicken Enchiladas served with Spanish rice and seasoned black beans and a frozen option of Tortellini Soup & Fresh Bread
Order by: 3:00 pm on Sunday, Nov. 12
Pick up: Tuesday, Nov. 14 in the St. Joe's School parking lot (by the church entrance) between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m.
Order here: https://famfarekitchen.com/raisefunds
Please contact Christina Mahady, Home & School Fundraising Coordinator, with any questions.
St. Joseph’s Home and School Association
Recess Helpers Wanted! Click HERE to sign up. Lunchroom Helper Wanted! Click HERE to sign up.
If you are a new volunteer and have never completed your Virtus Training, please click here and follow the instructions. If you are an existing volunteer and need to update your account (updates are required every 3 years), please click here for instructions.
Please click here to view The Church of St. Joseph Website or view the Church Bulletin by clicking here.