Welcome Back! Our first days of the new school year have been terrific! It is wonderful to have our students and faculty back in the school building. Everyone seems to be getting into the school routine. As the new school begins, please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions or need assistance (651-457-8550).
Currently, St. Joseph’s School has 384 students enrolled in Preschool – grade 8. 53 new families joined our school community. This year, we have welcomed our biggest Kindergarten class in seven years and we excited to have opened 2 sections of both our 3’s & 4’s preschool classes. We know that you have a choice when considering the education of your children. Thank you for choosing to have your children attend St. Joseph’s School!
“St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence,
and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.”
Our school community has identified faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue as three pillars of our school as we continue to partner with you to provide your children with a quality Catholic education.
School Mass This morning was our first school Mass of the school year. Our students and staff prayed and sang very well together. At the conclusion of Mass, Mr. Wesely introduced Fr. Wratkowski and gifted him with “Jaguar swag”. He also introduced and welcomed our new students and staff. Just a reminder that parents, grandparents, and family members are always welcome to attend our school Masses and prayer devotions during the school year.
Friday September 21st – Special Treat After Mass Our Home & School Association would like to invite school parents to gather in the Great Room after our 9:00am school Mass for coffee, donuts, and fellowship. The association leadership would like to welcome you back to school and share many of the exciting events planned for this school year. We look forward to seeing you there.
Save the Date – Drive in Movie Night Saturday, September 22 Please watch for more information about this fun event held on the front lawn of our school! Thank you to our Home and School Association for sponsoring this event!
Band Program 2018-19 St. Joseph’s School Band Program (Grades 4-8) Our school band program this year is being facilitated by Hill-Murray High School’s Pioneer Pathways Program. Our school band program will be under the direction of Mrs. Averyel Bachelani. Band lessons and instruction will occur during the school day. Every student participating in the program will receive:
A total band curriculum including lessons, rehearsals and concerts
Instruction by exceptionally trained music educator(s)
28 (minimum) days of lessons during the school year
Performance feedback on a scheduled and as-needed basis
Music and all supplies necessary plus assistance with the purchase/rental of equipment
Performance of two concerts held at St. Joseph’s School
Preparation and facilitation for students selected to perform at Mall of America
Assistance and preparation for solo and ensemble work for worship and special events at STJ
An Informational Meeting for Parents is scheduled for Monday, September 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the band room at the school. The meeting will be approximately 30 minutes and is for new and returning band students. Mrs. Bachelani will share information about the program including tuition cost, what lessons and rehearsals will consist of, how renting an instrument works, performance opportunities, and when students will explore and choose an instrument.
On Tuesday, September 11th, students who want to join band will explore different instruments. The first full day of band with beginners and returning students will be Thursday, September 13th.
Please email Mrs. Bachelani at
abachelani@hill-murray.org for more information or with any questions you may have about the band program.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Parent Information Meeting Catechesis of the Good Shepherd “Come & See” will be held on Tuesday, September 11 from 7-8 PM in the Great Room. All preschool & K-5 parents are encouraged to attend this meeting. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has been catching the attention of Catholic parents and educators in our Archdiocese and across the globe. What is this method of leading children into a deep and personal relationship with Jesus? How are young children coming to understand the gift of the Eucharist and what is happening at Mass? Learn ways you can accompany your children as they grow in their faith.
Virtus Training – Monday, September 17 All school and parish volunteers who have contact with children are required to have a
current background check, signed code of conduct, attend a Virtus training session (only required to attend the classroom session 1 time) or update your Vitus training by watching “Keeping the Promise Alive” on the Virtus website. These 3 items are referred to as “The Essential 3”. These are required to be updated every 3 years. A flyer was included in your summer family packet. There will be a Virtus training session here at St. Joseph’s on Monday, September 17 at 6:30pm in the Great Room. You must pre-register by going to www.virtusonline.org (Be sure you indicate you are from St. Joseph’s of
WSP.) See flyer for additional information.
Back to School Open House – A Huge Success! The faculty and staff thoroughly enjoyed welcoming our school families who visited during the Back to School Open House. Everyone worked hard to prepare and make the event very special. We extend our thanks to Betsy Joyce, Michelle Benish and the many volunteers who helped with the book covering during the Open House. All proceeds will go to help underwrite Fall Fest 2018. Also, we would like to thank Mollie Rubenzer, Bri DeLeon, and the Home & School Association that hosted root beer floats during last week’s Open House. We all enjoyed the delicious treat!
Back to School Family Fun Day Picnic We want to thank the Home and School leadership for organizing the Family Fun Day Picnic. We had an excellent turn out of new and returning families. The weather held out for us, the hot dogs were delicious, and friendly conversations were a great way to kick off the school year. The Home and School is also behind the great welcome signs that were delivered to new families as well as the signs out in front of school. Thank you for filling Mr. Wesely’s vehicle with socks! Congratulation to all of you for collecting over 500 pairs of socks!
Thank you! Thank you! We would like to thank Cheryl and Caden Weimer for the beautiful flowers out in front of our school and around our St. Joseph Statue! St. Joseph, pray for us!
Spiritwear We would like to remind our families that Spiritwear orders need to be place by Wednesday, September 12th. Families may order your spiritwear online by
clicking here. Spiritwear may only be purchased on online and it is not available through our school. Thank you Jane Nicolo, Katie Doyle and Katie Grondahl for all of your work in organizing this opportunity for our students and families to show their school spirit. Please note that Marathon Day will be a School Spirit Day! Make sure you have your new spiritwear gear!
Marathon Our school will kickoff the 2018 Minnesota Non-Public Schools Marathon with a Pep Rally / Opening Ceremony on Friday, September 21, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. in our school gymnasium. The Marathon event will take place on Thursday, October 4, 2018 on the St. Joseph’s campus. Marathon is an important community event that raises funds for our school to support our operating budget and special programs. The proceeds from this event help keep tuition affordable for our families. We expect and need each school family to participate in Marathon. Specific details and pledge sheets will be sent home Friday, September 21st with every student. Thank you for your involvement in and support of this special event. Please watch for upcoming volunteer opportunities!
Uniform Dress Code Everyone looked great in his or her uniform as we all returned to school. Thank you for assisting your child with getting back into the school routine. Please remember that our uniform policy requires white or navy socks that extend well above the top of the shoes. Low-riding/no show golf sock styles are not allowed. Belts are to be worn with pants/ shorts.
Parent Letters/Friday Folders/Attendance Communication All non-emergency communications will come home on Fridays in the red Friday folder. Parent letters will only be sent out by email every Friday (or the last day of the school week.) Friday Letters may be found on the school website, www.stjosephwsp.org. Teachers may be reached via the school’s voice mail system at (651-457-8550) or their email account by using the first two letters of their first name followed, without a space, by their last name (e.g. grwesely@stjosephwsp.org). When leaving a message, remember teachers may not be available to return calls/e-mails until the end of the day.
Our Attendance Hotlineis 651-457-3031. If your child is going to be absent or late due to a morning appointment, please leave a message on the “Hotline”.
For Your Information St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
Upcoming Parish events include;
The Marriage in Christ seminar will be held in the Great Room on Sundays 6-8pm October 7, 14, 21, 28, & November 4. Childcare available depending on interest. To register please visit the parish website. Questions? Contact: Amanda Carnes amanda.carnes@churchofstjoseph.org
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Nights, , , (NO Classes October 1 or ) in the Msgr. Foran Great Room. Hosted by parishioners: Jeremy Sammons & Dan Selner. REGISTER ONLINE: https://fpu.com/1067950 Questions, please contact either Jeremy Sammons, 507-530- 5027 / jeremy.sammons@edwardjones.com or Dan Selner, 651-994-9550 / dans@selner.org
Plan on taking part in our parish and school bible Our ten week Evangelization series begins the week of September 18th.The will be offered at these times (choose one that best fits your schedule):Tuesdays, - Contact: Dan Selnar @651-686-6047 (MEN)
September Look Ahead: ° Monday, Sept. 11 – Good Shepherd “Come and See Night”, 7-8pm Great Room ° Wednesday, Sept. 12 - Middle School NET Retreat; 9:30 am-3:00 pm (Students in uniforms.) ° Wednesday, Sept. 12 – 6:30 pm Home and School Meeting ° Friday, Sept. 14 – 9:00 am Mass ° Monday, Sept. 17 – Virtus Training, 6:30pm, Great Room ° Monday, Sept. 17-Oct.4 – Gr.2-8 Standardized Testing ° Friday, Sept. 21 – 9:00 am Mass followed by Donuts and Coffee for Parents in the Great Room ° Friday, Sept. 21 – Marathon Kick-Off 2:30 pm Gym ° Tuesday, Sept. 19 – Cub Scout Sign-up Night 6:00-7:00 pm Cafeteria ° Friday, Sept. 28 – Grade 8 Field Trip to Duluth ° Friday, Sept. 28 – 9:00 am Mass