Welcome Back! Our first days of the new school year have been terrific! It is wonderful to have our students and faculty back in the school building. Everyone seems to be getting into the school routine. As the new school begins, please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions or need assistance (651-457-8550).
Currently, St. Joseph’s School has 385 students enrolled in Preschool – grade 8. 53 new families joined our school community. We are excited to have our largest Preschool enrollment ever! We know that you have a choice when considering the education of your children. Thank you for choosing to have your children attend St. Joseph’s School!
As we begin the new school year, we would like to share with you our mission statement:
“St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence,
and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.”
Our school community has identified faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue as three pillars of our school. We look forward to partnering with you to provide your children with a quality Catholic education.
New Six-Day Cycle School Schedule Our faculty and students will be counting days as part of a new rotating six-day schedule being implemented at our school this year. With this new schedule, students will attend our specials classes of Art. Music, PE, and Spanish on a numbered day (Day 1-6) rather than a day of the week. In our schedule, elementary students will attend their specials classes three times during the six days. Our middle school students will attend Art one time, Music one time, PE two times, and Spanish two times during the six days.
The greatest advantage of this new schedule is consistency. With our previous specialist schedule, holidays and days off of school would result in some of our students missing specials classes. Students who had a specials class on a Monday and/or Friday would miss many of their classes during the school year. This will not be the case with a rotating six-day schedule. Your child’s classroom teacher can provide details on their specific rotating schedule.
School Mass This morning was our first school Mass of the school year. Our students and staff prayed and sang very well together. Our students did a very good job (as noticed and mentioned by Fr. Creagan and Mr. Wesely) of quietly and reverently entering and exiting the church. At the end of Mass, we introduced and welcomed our new students and staff. Just a reminder that parents, grandparents, and family members are always welcome to attend our school Masses and prayer devotions during the school year. We do ask that for the month of September, all students sit with their teachers and class to establish routines and procedures. Thank you!
Responsive Classroom With your children returning to school this week, I hope you have heard them talk about some of the activities and things they are doing in their classrooms. In fact, you may have heard them use the term Responsive Classroom and/or talk about some of the activities and chant/cheers they are doing in their classroom.
During the summer months, many of our school faculty attended a four-day course to learn about the Responsive Classroom Approach. During our back to school Professional Development, the faculty discussed the implementation of the approach at our school and in their classrooms. A brief explanation of this approach follows.
Responsive Classroom is an evidence-based education approach associated with greater teacher effectiveness, higher student achievement, and improved school climate. The approach was developed by educators whose vision was to bring together social and academic learning throughout the school day.
The Responsive Classroom approach consists of a set of practices that build academic and social-emotional skills. The approach helps educators build competencies in four interrelated domains that support and sustain student success. The domains are;
Positive Community – Creating a safe, predictable, joyful, inclusive classroom where all students have a sense of belonging and significance.
Developmentally Responsive teaching – Responding to students’ individual, cultural, and developmental learning needs and strengths.
Effective Management – Creating a calm, orderly environment that promotes autonomy and allow students to focus on learning.
Engaging Academics – Designing and delivering high-quality, rigorous, and engaging instruction.
Independent research has found that the Responsive Classroom approach is associated with higher academic achievement in math and reading, improved school climate, and high-quality instruction. Additional information about the Responsive Classroom Approach will be provided during the school year in our Friday Letter.
2019-20 St. Joseph’s School Band Program (Grades 4-8) Our school band program this year is being facilitated by Hill-Murray High School’s Pioneer Pathways Program. Our school band program will be under the direction of Mr. Gideon Matchey. Band lessons and instruction will occur during the school day. Every student participating in the program will receive:
A total band curriculum including lessons, rehearsals and concerts
Instruction by exceptionally trained music educator(s)
28 (minimum) days of lessons during the school year
Performance feedback on a scheduled and as-needed basis
Music and all supplies necessary plus assistance with the purchase/rental of equipment
Performance of two concerts held at St. Joseph’s School
Preparation and facilitation for students selected to perform at Mall of America
Assistance and preparation for solo and ensemble work for worship and special events at STJ
Please email Mr. Matchey at
gmatchey@hill-murray.org for more information or with any questions you may have about the band program.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Parent Information Meeting Catechesis of the Good Shepherd “Come & See” will be held on Wednesday, September 21 from 6:15-7:15pm in the Great Room Conference Room/Rosary Room. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd has been catching the attention of Catholic parents and educators in our Archdiocese and across the globe. Children in the 4/5’s program-5th grade at St. Joseph’s School participate in this beautiful program. Please come and learn more about how this method is leading young children into a deep and personal relationship with Jesus and how you can accompany your child on this journey of faith. See flyer attached.
Volunteers Needed for Recess Duty We need help for recess duty for the remaining months of school. Whether our students are outside or inside because of the weather, volunteers offer tremendous assistance in providing supervision of students.
click here to volunteer in September.
Virtus Training – Monday, September 9 All school and parish volunteers who have contact with children are required to have; a
current background check, signed code of conduct, attend a Virtus training session (only required to attend the classroom session 1 time) or update your Vitus training by watching “Keeping the Promise Alive” on the Virtus website. These 3 items are referred to as “The Essential 3”. These are required to be updated every 3 years. A flyer was included in your summer family packet. There will be a Virtus training session here at St. Joseph’s on Monday, September 9 at 6:30pm in the Great Room. You must pre-register by going to www.virtusonline.org (Be sure you indicate you are from St. Joseph’s of
WSP.) See flyer for additional information. Please watch for a new updated 123B form coming home today in your child’s Friday Folder to be completed and turned in to the school office.
Back to School Open House – A Huge Success! The faculty and staff thoroughly enjoyed welcoming our school families who visited during the Back to School Open House. Everyone worked hard to prepare and make the event very special. We extend our thanks to Betsy Joyce and the many volunteers who helped with the book covering prior to the Open House. All proceeds will go to help underwrite Fall Fest 2019. Also, we would like to thank Angie Flynn and the Home & School Association that hosted root beer floats during last week’s Open House. We all enjoyed the delicious treat!
Back to School Family Fun Day Picnic We want to thank Jenny Reeves, Andrianna Birk and the Home and School Association for organizing and hosting the Family Fun Day Picnic. We had an excellent turn out of new and returning families. We had a beautiful day, the new playground was a hit, the hot dogs were delicious, and friendly conversations were a great way to kick off the school year. The Home and School is also behind the great welcome signs that were delivered to new families as well as the signs out in front of school. Thank you for filling Mr. Wesely’s vehicle with socks! Congratulations to all of you for collecting many pairs of socks!
Thank you! Thank you! We would like to thank Cheryl Weimer for the beautiful flowers out in front of our school and around our St. Joseph Statue! St. Joseph, pray for us!
Spiritwear We would like to remind our families that Spiritwear orders need to be place by Thursday, September 12th. Families may order your spiritwear online by
clicking here or by sending in your order forms. Thank you Katie Doyle and Katie Grondahl for all of your work in organizing this opportunity for our students and families to show their school spirit! Order forms went home in Friday Folders and are attached.
Uniform Dress Code Everyone looked great in his or her uniform as we all returned to school. Thank you for assisting your child with getting back into the school routine. Please remember that our uniform policy requires white or navy socks that extend well above the top of the shoes. Low-riding/no show golf sock styles are not allowed. Belts are to be worn with pants/ shorts.
Parent Letters/Friday Folders/Attendance Communication All non-emergency communications will come home on Fridays in the red Friday folder. Parent letters will only be sent out by email every Friday (or the last day of the school week.) Friday Letters may be found on the school website, www.stjosephwsp.org. Teachers may be reached via the school’s voice mail system at (651-457-8550) or their email account by using the first two letters of their first name followed, without a space, by their last name (e.g. grwesely@stjosephwsp.org). When leaving a message, remember teachers may not be available to return calls/e-mails until the end of the day.
Our Attendance Hotlineis 651-457-3031. If your child is going to be absent or late due to a morning appointment, please leave a message on the “Hotline”.
For Your Information St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
Information Sessions Are you the parent of a child preparing to receive a sacrament this year and realized that you have not yet received Confirmation or your own First Eucharist? Are you not Catholic but thinking about discovering or deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ in communion with the Catholic Church? Are you a member of the school community, and you (or someone you know) is interested in learning more about our Catholic Faith? If yes, you should inquire about R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), the process by which someone discerns a relationship with Jesus in the Catholic Church. It is also a wonderful opportunity for Catholics to grow in prayer and in their knowledge of the Faith! Please contact Fr. Wratkowski at frwratkowski@churchofstjoseph.org for more information.
Information Session – Sunday September 15th at 10:15 AM in the Great Room
Sessions – Weekly on Monday evenings, starting September 30th through May 4th
MENS MINISTRY Annual Bonfire for the School Dads Thursday, September 12 7:00 - 9:00pm Monsignor Foran Great Room & east parking lot.
All men of the parish and school are invited to an evening of fellowship as our children begin the school year.
Good food, fellowship and prayer for our families. No rsvp necessary. Bring a friend and join us.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY A Blessed Brunch: Saturday, September 21 8:30 - 10:30am
All women are invited to join us for a beautiful potluck brunch. See our parish website to register.
MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Fall Kickoff Event ~ Middle School Youth Night! Tuesday, September 17 4:00 - 5:30pm Monsignor Foran Great Room. All students in grades 6-8 are invited to join us.
MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: Marriage in Christ Seminar Sunday, October 6 - November 3 I 6:00 - 8:00pm - Monsignor Foran Great Room
Couples are invited to this popular, 5-week seminar to enrich your marriage whatever stage of life you’re in!
Childcare is available. See the parish website for more information and to register or contact Amanda Carnes at:
Click here to link to the weekly St. Joseph’s Church Bulletin