The month of May has arrived! We are all anticipating the May flowers cannot be far behind. When looking at the calendar, it is going to be a busy month with many special events and activities planned for our students and school community. Please continue to review the information contained in the Friday Letter as well as your child’s classroom newsletters. Please look at our school web site and watch for email blasts with additional information during the remainder of the school year.
May is the month devoted to Mary, the mother of God. Please consider joining us for Mass on Friday, May 10 at 9:00 a.m. Prior to the beginning of Mass, we will honor Mary during our May Crowning Ceremony. In addition, please consider including prayers to Mary, our Mother in your prayer routines at home. Examples include; the Rosary, the Hail Mary, the Memorare, the Hail Holy Queen, and/or the Angelus. Mary, Queen of Heaven, pray for us!
No School Friday, May 3 Just a reminder, there will be no school for our students tomorrow, Friday, May 3. Our faculty will be engaged in professional development for the day. The day will include prayer, discussion regarding spiritual retreats and service learning projects for our students, a review of the MAP Reading assessment data from the recently completed assessments by our second – eighth students, information and discussion on Differentiated Instruction, curriculum and instruction planning, a delicious lunch, and fellowship and laughter. It was a very productive day for our faculty. Enjoy your long weekend.
Thank you! Thank you to our Home and School Association for the wonderful Teacher Appreciation luncheon provided today during our Professional Development day. What a special treat for our faculty! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful and generous community.
Grandparents and Special Friends Day – Thank you! Thank you to the many Grandparents and Special Friends (about 250) that attended and celebrated this wonderful day with us. It was a pleasure to have you join us for Mass, have your picture taken with your grandchildren, visit our school, and join Mr. Wesely for treats, fellowship, and an update on our school. We sincerely thank Natalie Mulrooney, the event chair, and the many wonderful volunteers that made this event possible for everyone to enjoy.
Muffins with Moms (and Grandmas) – Celebrate Moms! Moms and grandmas are invited with their children and grandchildren to attend a “Muffins with Moms” event. This special event and recognition will be held on Friday, May 10 from 7:45-8:30 a.m. in the Great Room. Muffins, coffee, and juice will be served before school as we celebrate moms and grandmothers.
At 8:30 a.m., when our students leave for their classrooms, moms and grandmas are invited to remain in the Great Room for fellowship. Mass, including a May Crowning Ceremony, will be held at 9:00 a.m. in the Church. Please
CLICK HERE to RSVP. We look forward to celebrating and praying with the moms and grandmothers.
Dads, we request your assistance in helping with this special event. We need dads to help between 7:15 – 9:15 a.m. for set up and clean up for the event. Please contact the school office or email Lisa Wrobel; if you are available to volunteer.
Progress Reports Progress Reports for students in grades 4-8 were mailed home last week. Upon receipt of your child’s Progress Report, please contact your child’s teacher(s) if you have questions or need additional information. Thank you for encouraging your child to continue to come to school ready to learn and use the gifts and talents God has given them to do their best work and make appropriate behavior choices.
MAP Assessments Students in grades 3-8 will be finishing up the NWEA’s MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments during this week. Students previously absent and students who need to complete their assessments will be working with Mrs. Budge in the technology lab. Thank you for your support in having your child(ren) rested and providing them a good breakfast so they are able to do their best work. MAP Assessment results and information will be sent to parents later this month.
Jaguar Playground and Greenspace It has been very interesting talking with our students about plans to build a new play structure and enhance the green space on our school campus. The students are really excited to have swings and soccer goals on the playground greenspace. Information about this important project for our school is included on our school website.
Click here to view this exciting information!
Please prayerfully discern how you may be able to financially support this project allowing for work to begin in June and the project to be completed in August prior to the beginning of the new school year. All gifts are important and will assist us in reaching our goal of $200,000 for the project. Thank you for your generosity! Please contact Mr. Wesely and/or Mrs. VanDiver if you have any questions or would like additional information on the project.
Teachable Safety Skills – Jacob Wetterling Resource Center St. Joseph’s School has teamed up with the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center to host a free class for parents on Teachable Safety Skills. This event will be on May 7 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Great Room. A flyer with information about this class is in your child’s Friday Folder.
School Mass and May Crowning – Friday, May 10 Please join us for our school Mass on Friday, May 10 at 9:00am in the church. School families, friends, and members of the parish are always invited to pray with our students and faculty.
2019-2020 Important School Calendar Dates As we work to complete the 2019-2020 School Calendar, we would like to share a few of the important dates with you. The final calendar will be sent out shortly.
September 3:1st Day of School Grades 1 – 6
September 4:1st Day of School Grades 7 – 8
September 5: 1st Day of School Kindergarten
December 23 - January 1:Christmas Break
October 16-18:MEA No School
March 30- April 3:Spring Break
April 10-13:Easter Break
June 4:Last Day of School
Yearbook Presale Flyers Yearbook order forms are to be returned to the school on Monday, May 6. We base our yearbook order on presale numbers. You may use the payment envelope with checks made out to
St. Joseph’s School.
Attention School Volunteers - Virtus Training We will again be hosting a
Virtus Training on Monday, May 13 at 6:30-9:30 pm in the parish Great Room. A reminder that any parent who wishes to volunteer in the school or preschool, must attend 1 Virtus Training, followed by recertification and complete a background check and signed code of conduct every 3 years. There is no cost, but you must pre-register. For more information on Virtus Safe Environment Training, see the attached flyer or you may go to:
Thank you in advance for completing this process prior to volunteering at our school.
Volunteers Needed for Recess Duty We need help for recess duty for the remaining months of school. Whether our students are outside or inside because of the weather, volunteers offer tremendous assistance in providing supervision of students. Don’t forget you sunglasses and sunscreen! Thanks so very much!
Library Volunteer Opportunities Our St. Joseph’s School Library is looking for parent volunteers for the upcoming school year. If you would like more information about volunteering in the library please send an email to Thank you!
Just a Reminder Please continue to review our Friday Letters, check your child’s Family Folder, our school website, Facebook, Twitter, and the St. Joseph parish bulletin to keep updated on all the exciting happenings at St. Joseph’s School.
For Your Information St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
Upcoming Parish Events and Information Include: Please click on the link to the bulletin below for additional information and activities at the Church of St. Joseph.
Archdiocesan Family Rosary Procession – Sunday May 5th Archbishop Hebda will lead our families down John Ireland Blvd in the 72
nd Annual Family Rosary Procession from the State Capital to our Cathedral. Gather at the State Capital at 1:30pm, the Procession Begins at 2:00pm.
Mission Statement St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ. Thank you for supporting our mission and entrusting your children to our care each day.
Click here to link to the weekly St. Joseph’s Church Bulletin