Dear St. Joseph’s School Parents,
Greetings from St. Joseph’s School! As we completed the first week of the trimester, it was another great week to be a Jaguar!! This week's letter includes several topics that you will want to read about as we continue through this school year. In addition, plans and preparation continue for the 2021-2022 school year.
As we continue through the third trimester to the end of the school year, please continue to support your child’s efforts with their academics and school responsibilities. The faculty and I look forward to seeing our students use the gifts and talents that God has given them to do their best at school and at home. Thank you again for your continued support of St. Joseph’s School. We are grateful to have the opportunity to partner with you in providing for the faith formation and education of your children St. Joseph, pray for us! Go Jaguars!!
Report Cards
Families will be receiving Report Cards for the Second Trimester today. Report cards will be sent home with students in grades K-5. Parents will receive the report card in an envelope with a Parent Signature Form. Parents are asked to complete the form after reviewing their child’s report card and progress. The form needs to be returned to school by Friday, March 19. Middle school student Report Cards will be sent to parents electronically via email. Upon receiving and reviewing their middle school child’s report cards, parents need to send an email reply to acknowledge receipt of the report card.
Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding your child’s academic progress or their learning behaviors.
Back to School Re-Opening Plan- 3rd Trimester Review
St. Joseph’s School is committed to the health and safety of our students, staff, and families. As we begin Trimester 3 and approach the months of Spring, based on science and our school experiences, it is time to make some moderate adjustments to our school plan, protocols, and daily practices at our school.
Plans are to implement these beginning next week; March 15.
Morning Arrival
Temperature Checks
+ students . . . discontinue taking student temperatures as they enter the building.
+ adults – teachers, visitors, guests . . . continue taking temperatures.
We have no direct evidence that temperature checks for students is a strategy having a great impact with school. Our school parents are doing a very good job of contacting the school when needing guidance regarding the health of their child(children). Adult supervision will remain at the school doors each morning with a thermometer available in the event it is necessary, as well as having a supply of masks available for students needing a face covering.
Recess - Playground
+ opening up of more playground areas; basketball hoops, swings, play structure, gaga pit.
+ providing opportunity for students in the grade level classes to play together.
+ supervision of students remains the same.
+ expectation for appropriate play and safety remains the same.
+ need for hand washing and hand sanitizing when going to and returning from recess remains the same.
School Lunch
+ begin use of the cafeteria for students to eat lunch on a scheduled basis while maintaining social distancing.
+ return to students eating lunch outside on the school grounds as weather permits.
As we begin Trimester 3 and approach Spring, based on science, recommendations from the CDC and MDH, and our school experiences, the following school guidelines, procedures, and protocols need to continue.
Face Coverings – Masks, Gaiters, Shields
+ Continue expectation of students and adults wearing appropriate face coverings that fit properly while in the school building. Masks and shields are available at school for students and staff when needed.
+ Face coverings do not need to be worn when outside for recess, lunch, PE.
+ Provide face covering breaks for faculty and students during the school day.
+ Classroom ventilation includes open windows (as appropriate with the weather), open doors, use of air purifiers in classrooms, use of ceiling fans in classrooms.
Physical Distancing
+ Maintain physical distancing of students in classrooms and areas of the building during the school day.
Washing Hands / Hand Sanitizer
+ Continue the expectation of students and faculty washing hands during the school day. Hand sanitizer remains available for students and faculty to use during the day.
Cover Coughs / Sneezes
+ Continue to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or sleeves.
+ Continue to follow the CDC and MDH guidelines recommending 14 day quarantine due to COVID exposure and 10 day quarantine after a lab confirmed positive test.
Complete regular cleaning of classrooms, restrooms, and hallways daily.
Travel Guidelines
School families and faculty are to observe the guidelines published by the Minnesota Department of Health(MDH) and take extra precautions while traveling and returning to home and school. While St. Joseph’s School does not have a quarantine requirement for travelers, we do ask families and faculty to monitor potential exposures and possible symptoms as they return to in person learning.
COVID Testing
When any member of a household is being tested for COVID-19 due to an exposure, potential exposure, or with COVID symptoms, all family members at home should remain home from school until test results have been received. This simple mitigation greatly decreases any “close contact” exposure that could happen if a positive asymptomatic family member remains at school until those test results are known.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school Nurse Amy Milosch or Lisa Wrobel
2021-2022 St. Joseph’s School K-8 Tuition Information
At this time, we would like to announce the tuition and fees for the 2021-2022 school year. Tuition for grades Kindergarten - 8 has been confirmed at $5,550. This reflects a 1.8% cost of living increase. We invite families that may have additional financial need to apply for financial aid. St. Joseph’s School and the Church of St. Joseph are committed to providing an affordable Catholic education for all families.
Consistent with the significant support the school receives from our parish church, a revised schedule of multi-child discounts has been developed for the 2021-2022 (below). To receive this discount, recipients must be registered parishioners at the Church of St. Joseph. Parishioners and non-parishioners alike will continue to qualify for financial aid.
Multi-Child Parishioner Discount
Child 1 - $5,550
Child 2 - $5,350
Child 3 - $4,850
Child 4 - $4,000
Child 5 - Free (100% discount)
2021-2022 St. Joseph’s Preschool Tuition Information
At this time, we would like to also announce Preschool tuition for the 2021-2022 school year. Tuition for our Preschool programs has been confirmed (below). These rates reflect no increase for next school year.
Important Dates for the 2021-2022 School Year
As we are planning and preparing for the 2021-2022 School Year, we would like to share with you a couple of important dates. Additional calendar dates and a full calendar will be shared at a later date.
Monday, August 30: First day of school: Grades 1-6 (Kindergarten Assessments by appointment)
Tuesday, August 31: First day of school: Grades 7 & 8 (Kindergarten Assessments by appointment)
Wednesday, September 1: First day of school: Kindergarten
Monday, March 28 - Friday April 1: Spring Break
Friday, June 3: Last day of school for students (early dismissal)
Wakota Guiding Star Center - Lenten Service Project - Diaper Drive . . . March 15-25
St. Joseph’s School and the Church of St. Joseph has a wonderful relationship with Wakota, a Guiding Star Center in West St. Paul. Wakota provides women, mothers and families compassionate, life affirming care and support. The school and parish are interested in continuing to support Wakota’s mission through special works of mercy.
Our school’s Lenten service project is a Diaper Drive titled; “No Child Wet Behind”. We invite our school families and faculty to participate in this special collection of diapers for Wakota. We are being challenged to fill the school office with packages of diapers. Wakota currently is in need of size 5 and size 6 diapers. However, any size will be accepted. Diapers may be brought to school between Monday, March 15 and Thursday, March 25. The diapers will be collected in the school office.
Thank you for your participation and generosity in our Lenten Service Project.
Used Uniform Sale - Sunday March 21
Mark your calendars for our Spring used uniform sale on Sunday, March 21, from 12 to 1:30 pm. Volunteers are needed to help with this event. If you are interested in helping please click here to do so.
Donations are now being accepted! Do you have any uniforms or Jaguar gear that your children have outgrown? We welcome all donations of gently used uniforms, accessories, and also Spirit Wear! Please bring donations to the school main front entry by Friday, March 19th.
Home and School Association Information
The Home and School Association met on Wednesday, March 10. Mr. Wesely and the grade level parent representatives shared information and discussed a variety of topics.. Please click here for the meeting Minutes. Minutes from the meeting are also posted on our website a day or two after the meeting. We thank Betsy Joyce, Hilary Lamusga, Sarah Rogers, and Anne Novak for providing leadership for the group.
School Masses - Friday, March 19 Feast of St. Joseph, Patron of our Parish and School
As we continue our prayer during this Lenten season, our next school Masses will be on Friday, March 19 in the Church. We will celebrate and honor St. Joseph, the husband of Mary. Our students and faculty will attend Mass in person. Masses will be held; 9:00 a.m. for grades 4-8 and 10:00 a.m. for grades K-3.
Our remote learners and school families are invited to continue to watch the Mass live streamed on the Church of St. Joseph website; www.churchofstjoseph. Our school Masses are not open to families and the public. We thank Fr. Creagan and Fr. Wratkowski for presiding at our school Masses.
March Lunch Menu
Please click here to view the March lunch menu for our school.
“St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence, and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.”
For Your Information
St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
First Communion Information and Update
No Rehearsal on April 6: Canceled - Please update your calendar.
Saturday, April 10 10:00am First Communion (Church)
8th Grade Confirmation Information
Sunday, March 21 3:30-6:00pm Great Room: Confirmation Interviews by appointment.
Tuesday, April 13 7:00-8:30pm Church: Confirmation Night of Reflection (Candidate, Parents, Sponsor)
Saturday, April 24 1:30-3:00pm St. Joseph’s Church: Confirmation
Sunday, April 25 11:00am Mass Church: Blessing/Send Forth for our confirmation students
Middle School Youth Group
Middle School Youth Group upcoming opportunities:
March/April Look Ahead: