Dear Parents,
Greetings from St. Joseph’s School! Our students and faculty have had another wonderful week of prayer, teaching, and learning. Please continue to review our Friday Letters, check your child’s Family Folder, and our school website to keep updated on all the happenings at St. Joseph’s School.
All School Raffle– Major Fundraiser We have finalized plans for the 2019 St. Joseph’s School All School Raffle. This event is taking the place of our school’s Marathon and is our major school fundraising event involving our students and their families. A special Raffle Kickoff will be held on Friday, October 11 for our students and faculty.
Our school has secured donations of a brand-new 2019 Ford Escape, two tickets for a pilgrimage with, and a holiday lights/dinner adventure that will be raffled. The Raffle will special incentives and exciting contests for our students as they help sell raffle ticket. The proceeds from the Raffle will be used to support carrying out the mission of St. Joseph’s School. In addition, celebrations are planned for our students when we reach our school goals.
St. Joseph’s School families will receive tickets for their students and more information about this All School Raffle in their Friday Folders on October 11, 2019. One of the goals for the raffle is to have 100% of our students and families participate in selling/purchasing tickets. Thank you for your support of this important fund-raising event for St. Joseph’s School.
Rosary Prayer Service – Monday, October 7 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, October 7 is the Memorial Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Our students and faculty will gather in the church to pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary together. Deacon Tom Michaud from the Church of St. Joseph will lead us in our prayers. Parents and family members are invited to join us in praying the Rosary.
“To pray the rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful hearts of Christ and his Mother.” Saint John Paul II
Loving Father, increase our devotion to the most holy rosary, and draw us ever closer to you through the intercession of the Mother of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
School Pictures School pictures are scheduled for Monday, October 21. This will be an out-of-uniform day. Picture forms went home today with your child. Purchase of individual pictures/group composites is always optional, but we do ask that all students be photographed for the yearbook. Preschool-age children may be brought in to have their pictures taken between 8:20-8:50 am in the parish Great Room. No appointments necessary. St. Joseph’s Preschool classes will have their pictures taken later in the morning. Lifetouch is looking for parent volunteers to help line up the students and assist the photographers. Volunteers receive a free picture package for their child. Please call the office at 651-457-8550 if you are interested. You may also place your order online at and enter our Picture Day ID: EVTD9WXT7
Parent Teacher Conferences – October 22, 24, and 25 Parent Teacher Conferences for students in grades K – 8 will be held on Tuesday, October 22 and Thursday, October 24 from 4:30 – 8:00pm.
Conferences for K – 5 students are scheduled by you through Sign Up Genius. Please click here to sign up for K-5 Conferences.
Middle School Conferences are conducted arena style and will be held in the school gymnasium. All specials; Music, Spanish, PE, and Art will also be located in the gymnasium and available to meet with you. Please watch for more information on the scheduling of your conference with your child’s teacher.
Parent teacher conferences for Middle School Students will be held
Friday, October 25th from 9:00am -3:00pmin the Great Room. Conferences will be conducted arena style. Parents of Middle School students are encouraged to attend conferences for their child(children).
Specials will not be available on this date for conferences. Due to conferences, Middle School students will not have school on Friday, October 25th. School will be in session for students in grades PreK – 5.
NWEA MAP Assessments Students in grades 2-8 have completed the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Math and Reading assessments this week. We thank Mrs. Budge for coordinating and facilitating the assessments for our students. Individual student reports and information will be mailed home on Monday.
District 197 Child Nutrition ISD 197 provides our school with the hot lunch program each school year. It is important that school families stay current on lunch account balances. You may deposit money directly into your child(s) lunch account by visiting . If you do not know your child(s) lunch ID, please email Lisa Wrobel and she would be happy to help you. You may also send a check made payable to ISD 197 Child Nutrition to the St. Joseph’s School Office. Thank you!
Respect Life Month October is Respect Life Month. St. Joseph’s School will recognize the sanctity of life by participating in a special service project. Our school is having a Layette (baby item) Collection during this month. Watch for more information about this important service project to benefit and support the work of Wakota-a Guiding Star Center in West St. Paul.
The Weather is Changing As fall weather is fast approaching, it is a good time to start sending your children to school with sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets. It can be very cool at the bus stops and on the playground. Please remember to label all of your child’s clothing so that it can be returned to them in the event that it is misplaced or lost while at school. The last day to wear shorts is October 31
St. Joseph’s School Little Free Library Have you seen another new addition to our school? St. Joseph’s School now has a Little Free Library on campus at the school’s main entrance on Seminole Avenue. The Little Free Library was donated to our school by the Brian Rubenzer family. Mr. Rick Fretschel, Church of St. Joseph parishioner and chair of the parish’s Building and Grounds Committee painted and installed the Library in August. We thank them both for their generosity in provided the Library for our school families.
Little Free Libraries are a global phenomenon. Now our school will join the movement to share books, bring people together, and create communities of readers. The Little Free Library nonprofit organization has been honored by the Library of Congress, the National Book Foundation, and the American Library Association.
St. Joseph’s School families are invited to “give a book(s), take a book(s)” by using our Little Free Library throughout the year.
Volunteers Needed for Recess Duty We need help for recess duty for the remaining months of school. Whether our students are outside or inside because of the weather, volunteers offer tremendous assistance in providing supervision of students.
click here to volunteer in October.
Are you or family members interested in sharing your time and talent with St. Joseph’s School? Please watch for opportunities to volunteer at our school in the Friday letter, through email blasts, and with Sign Up Genius.
Vision & Hearing Screenings Vision and Hearing Screenings are scheduled for Wednesday, October 23 for students in grades 1, 3 and 5. Volunteer forms are being sent home today. If you would like to help, please return the volunteer form or call the Nurse’s Office at 651-789-8324.
St. Joe’s Gala Buy it Now! Out of Uniform Passes are now available. These are available for a limited time so please get your orders in! Flyers were sent home in your child’s Friday Folder last week as well as being attached to this letter.
St. Joe’s Gala Buy it Now! Back by popular demand ~ Mr. Wesely’s Morning Announcement Helper! We have only a few spaces available! These are available for a limited time so please get your orders in! Flyers were sent home in your child’s Friday Folder last week as well as attached to this letter.
Uniform Dress Code Families are reminded that all students are expected to be follow our school’s uniform dress code policy. This includes:
Uniforms should fit properly and be in good repair.
Socks should be white or dark (navy or black). A small logo in white or black is permitted. No-show socks are not allowed.
Belts need to be worn by any student wearing shorts or pants. Belts can be leather, cloth, or braided but should be dark in color.
Skirt length should be no more than four inches above the back of the knee.
Sweatshirts, vests, and pullovers labeled with St. Joseph’s School may be worn during the school day. Spirit wear clothing and community sweatshirts may be worn to and from school and at recess only.
Student General Appearance – Clarification on students’ hair expectations
Students’ hair and appearance should be neat and clean. Hairstyle and color should not distract or draw undue attention to the student. Shaggy hairstyles do not meet the school’s dress code. Bangs should be above the eyebrows and boy’s lengths should not extend below the ears or over the collar. Unusual hairstyles and colored hair are not permitted in our school’s dress code.
The Weather is Changing As fall weather is fast approaching, it is a good time to start sending your children to school with sweaters, sweatshirts, and jackets. It can be very cool at the bus stops and on the playground. Please remember to label all of your child’s clothing so that it can be returned to them in the event that it is misplaced or lost while at school. The last day to wear shorts is October 31
Announcing CSCOE (Catholic School Center of Excellence) Incredible Teacher Contest The Catholic School Center of Excellence is holding an Incredible teacher Contest. Parents and students are encouraged to nominate their incredible teacher or teachers. One of our teachers could win an incredible prize. Post why your teacher(s) deserves to be recognized using the hashtag #IncredibleTeacher on CSCOE’s Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter. Videos may also be submitted for this contest. The deadline to nominate is October 23, 2019. The winner will be announced on October 25, 2019. Please
click here to view the information.
School Masses School families, friends, and members of the parish are invited to join us in prayer by attending our next school Mass on Friday, October 11 at 9:00 a.m. in the Church. Parents, grandparents, family members, and members of the parish are always welcome to attend our school Masses and prayer devotions during the school year.
CAA 2019 Cross Country Meet October 12, 2019 The CAA will be hosting its annual Cross Country meet again this year on October 12th at Harvest Park beginning at 8:00am. This is for students in grades 5-8. If your child is interested, please contact Mrs. VanDiver.
Library Fundraising Opportunity Trick-or Treat for our school library. Dr. Jennifer Eisenhuth is having a contest for the school that brings in the most pounds of candy, she will donate $1,000 to our school library. Dr. Jennifer is then donating all of the candy to our troops. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Mission Statement “St. Joseph’s Catholic School educates students through faith formation, academic excellence,
and the development of virtue to be disciples of Christ.”
For Your Information St. Joseph’s School is an important ministry of the Church of St. Joseph. Some of our school families are not members of the parish. In our efforts to serve all school families, our Friday Letter may at times include information about activities and events that are taking place at the Church of St. Joseph.
Middle School Youth Nights Middle School Youth Nights will be held every other week throughout the year! These nights will be held on the 1st and 3rd week of each month and will include fun, snacks, fellowship, and different types of prayer such as bible study, Adoration, and small groups. Please see the attachment for a full list of dates and times. If you have any questions, please contact Jake Debolt at
MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT: Marriage in Christ Seminar Sunday, October 6 - November 3 I 6:00 - 8:00pm - Monsignor Foran Great Room
Couples are invited to this popular, 5-week seminar to enrich your marriage whatever stage of life you’re in!
Childcare is available. See the parish website for more information and to register or contact Amanda Carnes at:
"Praying with Confidence & Hope" Nell O’Leary is a national Catholic speaker, editor of “Blessed is She” and blogger at She will give practical tips on praying through our “desert seasons.” All women are invited to join us in the Great Hall Wednesday October 9th 9-11a for the talk, including fellowship and food. Questions? Contact Amanda Carnes
Click hereto link to the weekly St. Joseph’s Church Bulletin
° Monday, October 7 – Rosary in Church (Feast of the Lady of the Rosary) ° Friday, Oct. 11– 9:00 am Mass ° Tuesday, Oct.15 – 9:00 am Mass ° Wednesday, Oct.16 – No School, CSCOE Teacher Summit ° Thursday, Oct. 17 & Friday, Oct. 18 – No School. MN Education Conference ° Monday, Oct. 21 – School Picture Day, Out of Uniform ° Tuesday, Oct. 22 – Parent Teacher Conferences, Grades K-8- 4:30pm-8:00pm ° Wednesday, Oct. 23 - Vision and Hearing Screening ° Thursday, Oct. 24 – Parent Teacher Conferences, Grades K-8- 4:30pm-8:00pm ° Friday, Oct. 25 – Middle School (Grades 6-8 only) Parent Teacher Conferences, 9:00am-3:00pm ° Friday, Oct. 25 – No School for Middle School Students (conferences) ° Friday, Oct. 25 – 9:00 am Mass